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RB26DETT idling problem!!HELP!!!!!

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Hello Guys!

I´m new on this site,I registed,because in my country (hungary) Is only 2 rb26dett engine and I can´t find help!


My RB26DETT engine swap is redy,only have a big idling problem.

I have good idling,but if I give more than 2500RPM the idling is going down to 300RPM and only some seconds go back to 1000RPM.

If I give more than 3500,the engine cant hold the idling,and stoped!


1. I cleaned the AAC valve

2. I chacked the Cold start valve

3. I make throtle body setting!

4. I chacked vacum lake!

Is all ready!

I have the R32 GTR manual,and so I caked all sensor signal.

All input is good,the one problem is,the AAC valve have any time battery volt!

The manual say : Cold idling 6-8 Volt

After warmup 9-10 Volt

Crancing engine 2-4 Volt

Somebothy can help my? Why become my AAC valve any time battery volt!


(I hope all user undersand me!My english is bad!Sorry)


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Couple things I would check, first give your Mass Air Flow Sensors a check, make sure they are clean and wired correctly. Also check for vacuum leaks, especially after the MAF. If the engine pulls un-metered air that has not passed the MAF sensors all sorts of odd things happen. Another thing to check is that the vacume routing to your Idle air is set up correctly, its often pretty crazy under there and easy to get a hose mixed up. Another thing to check would be plugs and then maybe your O2 sensor.


So check that the MAF sensors are working right, then for vacuume leaks, Blow off valves are somtimes are a source. Then check the routing on the idle air hoses, check the plugs and then check your O2 sensor.



Good luck !


Chris Crombie

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i would check the throttle body shafts,there are 6 seals that can deteriorate and leak...this commonly leads to erratic idle

spray carby cleaner around them with the engine running and see if the idle rises

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I looked all tipp!

1. i chacked the air lake nehr throttle bodys!

2. i chacked all hose with GTR manual helping!

3. I have other MAFs,I clined and changed.All is a same!

4.I remuved the AAC valve,connected and it's working.


My air/fuel ratio say the idling is rich!

all 2 gauge show 10.00 (I think normal is 14.7)


So any other tipp?


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