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What is this worth??

Guest Anonymous

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E-bay... do what others have done, post it with a low initial price but a very high reserve or what you'd be willing to sell th ecar for. Watch to see how high it goes. You'll have to pay E-bay something for not selling on a reserve bid auction but it's a cheap way to know what it's worth...

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Hi Tom!


I didn't know that you had a website attached to your car, but I should have figured since the car is so nice.


Even though I live in California, I will give you my $.02 on what I think the market for your car would be out here.


Gen II RX7's are selling for about $3000 +/- depending on condition and if turbo or not, etc. This is a specialty car and one has to value it for what a person might pay for such a car in the market. Even Kelly Blue Book can't be used for anything more than a guide in this valuation because they don't take into consideration cutom modifications. I was recently in the car business for five years, and I can tell you that the older a car gets and the more custom a car gets, Kelly Blue Book has less and less relevance. They even state that if a car is exceptionally clean, their own numbers don't really apply and the car will sell for more! How much more? Only the market knows.


When I look at your car, I see an automobile that someone has gone through nearly every system on the car and made it better. It is extensively modified, but not too the point of losing the original essence of the car or losing it's "soul." I figure the market for your car in this area would be $6000-$10,000. I'm sure you have way more money in the car than that, and this number is not meant to insult you, but since a car is a depreciating asset, I really believe this would be the typical range in which it would sell. It may go for more and it may go for less.


I know this is a guess, but if you get enough people to agree on a price range for your car, you'll have a good idea of what it will sell for.


You could even post it on ebay and when all is said and done, make sure your best friend "buys" the car from you at the end!


Are you really going to sell the car? It looks like the bomb--I know I would hate to part with it.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

Thanks for the complements, I think if I were to sell I would put it up for $12,000 and would not go lower than $10,000 I have $15,000 into it. If I don't get what I want I'll just keep it. Every part I have put on the car is brand new.



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From looking at your website, I figured you had closer to $20,000. I'm sure you did most of the work yourself; the hard work has really paid off in a very hard-core hybrid. I hope my Z project comes out as sano as your RX7.



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