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Need info on suffix codes

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I recently purchased a 350 which was supposedly from an early 70s vette; however, i am having difficulty verifying this. The stamp on the block in front of the pass. cylinder head reads V0204TZX. So far, I have learned that "V" means it was cast in Flint Michigan, "0204" means Feb. 4th, and TZX is the suffix code which describes the blocks application(what vehicle it was used for). I have found several lists of suffix codes at various sites online, but none of these lists contain the suffix "TZX". This info would be very helpful for determining hp, torque, fuel management, etc. I am trying to build a V8 280 for power and driveability, so I would like to keep the engine stock, and match all other components to it. Any info on suffix codes would be greatly appreciated!

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