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What's up with fuel mileage?


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I had a minor fuel leak which I recently fixed, Now that I can fill my tank up I decided to calculate my fuel mileage and lets just say I was quite shocked to see how bad it really was... 14mpg!! Right now I'm running a stock 280z (L28-injection) It runs good and it's not like it is in dire need of a tune up. Do you guys consider this normal or is something wrong? I shudder to think what it will be like when I drop my L28t in there!

BTW: This was all city driving and I drive it hard once in a while but most of the time I drive it like a normal person. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Hey bud. I got around 25mpg on the highway in my 240z's. I don't know exactly what I got around town, I would guess 19-20mpg. The 240z is a fair bit lighter than the 280z though, so maybe that accounts for some of the difference.

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Guest Anonymous

I was getting about 17 mpg with my old L6 (with rich SU's) and a automatic. Now with the chevy conversion, I havn't even tried to check it yet. On the road it would be real good (I'm guessing 22-23 mpg) if and its a BIT IF, I could stay out of the accelerator pump for any extended period of time. icon_smile.gif





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I'ld say you mileage is a little on the low side; something's not right.


Start learning to read spark plugs. On the weekend after your engine has cooled off-pull one at a time & check it out; you might want to buy a little magnifying glass w/a light that reflects the light onto the item being viewed-go to your nearest novelty shop/hardware shop; they should have one-check out your nearest Harbor Freight also!


Spark Plugs will usually tell you the if you're running extremely rich. On the weekends swap out the old set & put in a new set/then the next weekend put in another set just to make sure you are running an controlled experiment. If your spark plugs are clean/you may have a fuel leak & found it in time: prior to your car catching on fire! Serious-if your loosing that much fuel & this is not an ordinary fuel consumption...it may be a fuel leak-dont leave anything to chance....(been there-done that/its not fun to watch your car go up in smoke).


My 240a Besure had the fuel line in the rear break: this line goes from the vapor tank (rear cargo passenger side) behind the trim panel. This fuel line runs inside the car-from that tank around the quarter panel & just under tail lights to the drivers side tail light, (still behind the trim panel) & straight down-thru the body & comes thru near the tank. I dont know if the fuel injected Z's still used this same line or not.


Prior to knowing about the leak I filled up with gas & drove away, only to watch the fuel gauge drop. Everyone kept honking at me as they drove by-finally figured out I had a fuel leak; a mojor fuel leak...very lucky nothing caught fire! Nissan Dealer sold me a new one-its a pressure fuel line w/factory bends in it to fit the turns. Check everything-till you can rule out fuel leaks!.


Can you smell any fuel leaks or fuel vapor? Has your car been missing/spitting or sputtering on acceleration? Have you noticed an black, white or bluish smoke out your tail pipes when accelerating? You may have a dead fuel injector-or a cracked wire to one of your fuel injectors? Check it out-who knows.


My 240z I had years ago-would average about 28 on the HWY (long hauls from College to Home & back) & about 22-24 if/when I could keep my foot out of it. My first month I bought my 240z I averaged 8 mpg...guess I wasnt too good at keeping my foot out of it!


My current z, a stock 78 280Z, averages 25mpg-mostly hwy mileage & I'm pretty good about keeping my foot out of it.


I'm not trying to scare ya-just think we all know how combustible gas can be.


I hope some this has helped or given you some ideas.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)


[ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: Kevin Shasteen ]

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Ok so I checked my mileage again. This time I got 15.2mpg (that was before I left the city) I rechecked again after a 200mile drive on the highway at 65-70mph and I got 20.5mpg in fouth gear@3500rpm's or so? (I did put a 83zx 5speed in there but 5th gear seems to have screwed up so I couldn't use it) I am guessing that in 5th I coulda got 23-24mpg?? Opinions please.. is this really bad?

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My 280z is bone stock & unfortunately for me, (fortuanately for you) it has the stock 4spd. I average 23-25mpg. So I dont think you have any worries-other than getting your 5th gear working....welcome to my 4spd Club-it sucks, but hey-the union dues are minimal!



(Yea,Still a 4spd Inliner)

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Yeah well I look at it this way, it's nice to have a car that you can lose your top gear and still cruise down the highway at 70mph! Actually it could be a good thing, because when my fifth gear was working I found myself always drifting up to 80 or 90mph! (not good when the maximum speed limit around here is 100km/62mph) It was too hard driving in fifth at the speed limit (felt like I was lugging the engine!) LOL

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