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Stupid Question

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

This is a dumb question, but I have not been able to figure it out. My V8Z sometimes has trouble starting. I checked the ignition wires all the way to the starter and they are in good shape and delivering voltage to the starter. I guess my problem is how the wires are hooked up to the starter. Could anyone tell me what stud is what on a 350 starter????

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I think we need a little more info. First, what ignition system do you have (HEI, points, MSD, etc.)


Second, when you say hard starting, is it turning over fast enough, starts but sputters, cranks for a long time but nothing happens, etc.


Third, what makes you think it's ignition and not fuel?

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Guest Anonymous

Also is the car hot when its doing it? Thats common and is a heat soak condition caused by the close proximety of the headers to the starter and the high underhood temps. A remote solenoid (contactor actually icon_wink.gif ) will cure it. I will say since I put on my cowl hood I don't have a problem with it anymore. (also if the timing is real advanced it'll aggrevate the heat soak problem at least from what I've noted).





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Guest Anonymous

The starting problem is worse than just spinning over and not catching... I turn the key and nothing happens whatsoever, that is why I want to know a wiring diagram for the starter. Thanks



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W/out knowing the full details attempting to describe the entire starting/igntion system is impossible.


But, regarding the starter itselt: if you're looking at the end of the solenoid where the wires connect (the starter bendix pointing away from you) then you should see three prongs; two smaller ones & a larger one in the middle/slightly higher up.


The larger prong is for (+) Battery power, the smaller prong to the left is for the Ballast Resistor Bypass while the prong to the right is the Solenoid Actuating Terminal.


Your wiring harness for the ignistion should connect to the (+) side of the coil & the (-) side of the coil should have a wire going from it to the distributor.


As for the other variables-we need more detials of your system & the problem.


Do you have this problem all the time; only when the engine is cold; only after its been driven a few times & the engine is hot after its been turned off (Hot Soak scenario previous post mentioned).


An engine w/timing out of whack will make it incredibly hard to start (engine will turn over v-e-r-y s--l--o--w--l--y) when your timing is off & the engine is hot and allowed to sit after being parked for a few minutes prior to being restarted: AKA: Hot Soak.


Also; like previoius asked-what kind of ignition system do you have: points/HEI; MSD?



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest Anonymous

It takes 3 wires.


Wire One

Starter should have a thick stud which you mount the + battery cable to. THis is the Main power supply for the car.


Wire Two

A smaller wire will conect to this same post and run back to the car's fuse box. This is where the car get constant power for lights horn etc.


Wire Three

A wire should run back from the car's interior to the starter. This wire should be hot when the key is turned to the starter position. This wire activates the solinoid and starts the starter. This wire goes cold when the key springs back to the run position.


Testing Starter

If You cant make it work... Take the starter off the car and try to activate it by hooking it to the battery with jumper cables with the hot on the stud and the ground clamped to the case. With a scewdriver connect the stud to one of the other poles. If the starter activas you have found where you need to hook the starter wire coming fron the firewall. If it does not do anything at all you need to fix the starter.


With battery and starter installed.

Get a friend to turn the starter key and check which wires go hot when in the start position. Hook this wire to the pole that you found with the screwq driver method.


Let me know if this works. If it does not you have wireing problem in the car. ALWAYS Check the FUSE BOX for BROKEN FUSES FIRST.

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It sounds like from the phrasing of your question that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The very first thing I'd try is to tap on the solenoid while someone else holds the key in the start position. Solenoid may be sticking, very common. It's also a quick test!

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