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rusted blower houseing


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hi everyone my 240 blowermotor housing is rusted at the crease where the lower front and side meet. to fix it is no biggie blue goo or jb weld will fix that.what im concered about is how much water leaks through there... after a rain storm i have a pool on my pass floor.haveing the flap closed stops it but am i missing a part im not aware of? or is water collecting in the housing a normal thing?....thanks mark :confused:

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Guest Anonymous

Its probably the corner of the windshield, or maybe one of those drain vents in the cowl area is plugged with leaves and crap, I need to take that off and inspect it myself, but I guess the best way is to pull it and then follow the rusty line back up from its source. I hate stuff like that, almost as bad as finding a oil leak on a motor/trans that looks like the exxon valdes was there... :mad:





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found the problem!!! in the cowl area under a shield is the duct. giving my best finger feel i`d say it up sticks 2-3" so water won`t get in.

anyway mine is rusted at the base sour.gif so since im trying to get the car inspected and have no interor in it. it`s now on my to do list cry2.gif

man this list keeps getting longer and longer!!!!! ugg.gif

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