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Do i just have big holes??

Guest zphreek

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Guest zphreek

heh heh... when i installed my autometers i had a fairly large gap around the 2 5/8"s gauges and a nice gap on the top and bottom of the 5" ones. did you all have this problem? i ended up using black silicone and filling in the gap and went thru about a whole box of Q-tips trying to get it to look smooth :eek: the middle gauges turned out real good aside from the fact that the silicone wanst quite as dark black as the rest of teh dash :( i am not really happy with how they turned out but i guess its better than having a gap all the way around. what did you guys do about this?

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I did the same thing and caulk/ silicone did not match. I then found spray paint to match dash and sprayed paint in paint can lid and took a hobby shop model paint brush and simply painted the silicone to match. It looked pretty good.



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i used the bezles like drax240z did except the temp i mounted it in the datsun gauge.i used auto-gage gauges and they match my volt/gas gauge perfectly a few people commented on how factory they look.i`ll be doing the tach soon can`t decide on a dash mount or just a monster tach...$50 difference....my sun tach adapted to the 240 dial isn`t correct after 4 grand...and my 260z junk yard tach dosen`t work sour.gif in case you haven`t guessed i like things that look factory but aren`t shifty.gif ...mark

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Guest Anonymous

I used the bezels as well and just dropped the gauge into them. Which is well and good on the smaller holes, but I didn't see that working on the speedo/tach? I'm a tacky guy though, I used clear and it does'nt match. *shrug* I havn't had anyone bitch about it, they're usually to blown away gawking at the V8 to even notice. :D






Ps: They had a major freaking dust storm here in Phoenix before I got here and when I opened my hood today, it looked like a desert storm tank engine bay... Jeesh... :D The guy news is, it started, I guess the heat didn't kill the solenoid all the way dead yet. I have a new one though.

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