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Moving the battery

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

i want to move the battery to the back....you guys have any suggestions on where to put it? i was strongly pondering about the thought of putting it in one of the little storage cubby's, what were those for anyways???? i think if i cut the back out of one and made it a little wider and squared it off, then i would have a nice new battery tray/incasement... well give me your thoughts on that, OH also, how do i go about remving the old tray? it seems like its in there pretty solid, my best guess is just to grind it out, but isnt there any way to save it for resale?

ok im done for now, thanks in advance! smile.gif



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Zach, I think Mike Knell (JTR) mounted his batter there and did exactly what you just described. It puts the battery underneath and out of site. I like the idea; plus the battery is then vented from the outside. Not bad IMO.



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