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Benefit Rock show - Tacoma WA


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Hey guys, a fellow Ratsuner/friend/510 builder Jeff (icehouse) is putting on a benefit show in Tacoma WA on Jan 2nd :mrgreen: just thought Id help spread the word to some fellow Datsun/Nissan lovers in the area.



I'm sure a few of you guys have noticed I haven't been on to much lately compared to how much I'm normally on. Everyone knows how crazy life can get well Last month was insane. I'm the oldest out of 4 kids, my youngest brother is 12 years younger than me. He's 17 years old. I found out last month he had a brain tumor, then later they discovered it was cancerous :( Talk about depressing, he's 17 hasn't even got to daily drive a Datsun or been able to do half the other things you do at that age and now he's spending ton's of his time in the childerens hospital. Luckily he has medical insurance which at the time I thought was awesome but I didn't realize how much stuff my parents still had to pay for. So me and my good buddy Dan decided that we should get the old band back together and play a benefit show. Not realizing how hard it would be to relearn all of our old songs. haha My little brother never got to go to any of ours show's because he was so young at the time but later on really liked our music. So the show is setup and Fish Man built us a flier so now all we got to do is pack the place :D So anyone in the Tacoma Seattle area should go!



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