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Lookin for help


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Ok so i know that a lot of you dont know because of the fact that im not to active on the site due to lack of a good internet source. I own a 1983 Datsun 280zx that i have never driven or herd run. i bought it knowing it was a restoration project but im am definitely going to be fixing this up to the top natch. heres some more. it has been 13 months since i have owed the car. i live in el paso and its in phoenix. so heres were i need help. the guy i bought it from said that the motor just needed to be time and it should run. well as well as adding all the fluids and stuff. im going in a month to pick it up and i want things to go smoothly as they can this time. seeings how the first attempt that i made to get the car my ex girl friend stole $4000 worth of my car parts the morning i show up to get it. so im lacking essentially all my interior pieces plus most of my detachable body pieces. the motor pieces im missing include the radiator fan, battery, battery cables, intake box and filter. i know that the engine parts are easily replaced but the exterior pieces arnt so easy. never the less f that stack as ho...but i really would like to see if you guys could through me some advice with tuning the motor to get it properly working before i have to toe it all the way back here. a major question i have is whats the best process to time the motor properly. and does anyone have file photo of some messed up motors so i can see the difference between a good motor and a bad one. any help will be GREATLY appreciated. seeings how every time i post no one seams to know what im talking about or just is to lazy to answer. so thanks to anyone who can help and it will be noted.




OK now i also want to note that this is a serious topic and i am looking for serious answers. im not in an English class so my grammar, spelling, and punctuation IS NOT what i care about. i am posting as much info as i can about what i can to get the best available help i can. i am using NO FOUL LANGUAGE i have censored myself so for those of you that think that i have a "sailors" way of speaking. i am only here to get helpful answers. "buy the manual" isn't a helpful hint. if i had the money for a manual I WOULD HAVE ALREADY HAVE ONE!!!! i wouldn't be here looking for another humans point of view on a citation. a book DOES NOT tell all.Also i have looked through the boards and read most of the topics that interest me in what i need to do but i havnt seen any with timing or other such things. this paragraph is here for all whom might be "offended" in any way, shape, or form. to all this paragraph doesn't not pertain to thank you for another info you can provide and be safe out the......IM NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE HERE AT ALL. just looking for a good community people that have the same interests as myself.

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Seems you are still not familiar with this forum and what is expected of the membership since you became a member here almost year ago? :blink: Lets see if we can't get you up to speed. :wink:


This forum was established back in early 2000 around V-8 powered early Datsun Z cars. It has since evolved into an all encompassing extreme performance Z car forum. Everything from Viper V-10 powered Z cars to Turbo Diesels, electric Z cars to nicely modified N/A original engine Z cars. A few members here are running 8 seconds in the ¼ with their Z cars with the stock rear suspension and differential! Bonneville Salt Flat Z cars that run over 200 MPH! As such, this forum is NOT a basic how to repair or maintain your Z car type forum nor is this forum a replacement for any sort of service manual. :unsure: We encourage new members participate and ask questions, so long as they are fully aware of this forums place in the online Z car community.


This forum has rules that the membership are expected to abide by. This forum is not a public forum, it is privately owned, volunteer staffed and non profit funded. Like any private establishment, the owner has his rules that he expects the guest/membership to abide by. Please read those rules in this link;




In particular this forum has specific rules not common to many other forums such sentence structure. Members perspective on sentence structure matters not to us. We expect basic grade school senetence structure! B) We don’t expect college level grammar, but we do expect people to capitalize, punctuate and at least make an effort to proofread to a 3rd grade level. Asking for grade school level sentence structure shouldn’t be too much to ask. This thread linked below covers our view on lazy posting habits pretty well;




Rule #3 covers thread titles. This thread is a prime example of how NOT to title your thread! :blink:


Rule #2 covers our policy on spoon feeding. We don't do that here, due diligence required.


It is pretty much expected that that members have a service manual of some sort even if it is a Haynes manual. How could they be able to install/perform such extreme performance parts/mods if they don't have a clue as to how their car works, is wired, how to get to its various components etc. When someone has a technical maintenance question, it is generally asked “after” the service manual and search function have been exhausted.

Haynes manual cost less than $30 new, $10-$15 used. Lack of money is NOT an excuse for not having a service manual for a car that is not basic transportation. These are sport cars. If you have the money to buy, build and maintain a toy/sportscar, then you can surely scrounge up the money for a service manual.


As for the language, this is a family friendly forum, please make an effort to keep posts and pics rated PG. :2thumbs:



Hope that helps,


HBZ staff

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