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Is my MC connected properly? Pix included.

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So my problem is not a missing reaction disk, much to my dismay. It's firmly planted right where it should be, and the freshly rebuilt vacuum booster held vacuum for a good 10 minutes until I disconnected it to pull the booster to check all this stuff. Now it's on to the next question that I've read about by searching various threads here. Below are a couple of pictures of my 15/16" master cylinder and proportioning valve. It would make sense that the larger reservoir (closer to the booster) feeds the front brakes, and the brake line coming out of that reservoir runs to the front half of the proportioning valve where it splits to a pair of lines that I traced to the front calipers. The smaller reservoir line runs to the rear of the proportioning valve (closer to the firewall) and I only see one line that runs down under the transmission tunnel to the rear brakes. Does that line split somewhere further down? Here are the pictures






Thanks for the help, folks, tomorrow or thursday I'll probably do an all-corners bleed just to be sure.

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The small/FRONT reservoir feeds the REAR brakes. The rear/LARGE reservoir feeds the FRONT brakes. Here's a picture of the stamping on my 15/16ths MC. BTW, the rear line does split in the rear of the car. I believe it splits around where the rear end is (roughly)...


In my experience with my 77, I had to bleed mine vigorously on the backs. I mean about 15 pumps on the passenger rear :blink:

Don't just pump it 3-4 times, that won't work ! 15-20 pumps is more like it, just don't let the reservoir go dry or you'll be back to square one !



Edited by Blown77Z
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Thanks, I'll check for markings tomorrow. I'm so completely confused right now, I just finished reading a couple posts and articles that explained metering valves versus proportioning valves versus residual valves versus pressure switches, and I couldn't find anything that actually explained *what* the 240z uses. What is the device below the MC in the pictures I posted? I know it's got a switch that activates a trouble light in the event of line pressure loss, but does it do anything else? Does it physically limit any part of the braking system? Does it meter fluid? Does it have anything at all to do with how much fluid is sent to which brake line?

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