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Mechanic in Vancouver, WA

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Hi Everyone,


My mother has a 260Z with a swapped 280z motor that her ex-husband had a horrible mechanic do the work. Absolutely crap work. Now the car is barely running and is in rough condition. Is there a mechanic is the Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR area that you can recommend?


Any help is much appreciated since I'm up in Seattle, it's not the easiest to fix her mode of transportation.




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I would be wiling to look it over if you can get the car to our shop in Sandy OR, (on the way up to the Mt from Portland, just east of Gresham). It would have to be after the 26th, all this next week we'll be wrapped up in this;



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I would be wiling to look it over if you can get the car to our shop in Sandy OR, (on the way up to the Mt from Portland, just east of Gresham). It would have to be after the 26th, all this next week we'll be wrapped up in this;




Thanks BRAAP,


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