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How much $$$$$???

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I have a 81 280ZXT... its kindda rusted around the fenders....how do I check the frame without jacking it up? i took off tha wheels and looked at the frame and its perfect...is that all i need to check? thanx

Z ya lataZ 2thumbs.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Take out the seats and carpet and do a little probing with a screw driver on the floor boards, Rust can take hold about anywhere but can usually be found in any area where water or moisture could not easily drain from

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Guest Anonymous

Get a flashlight and look at the frame rails underneath. Check for obvious rust and for crumpling. Crumpling indicates that the rails are rotted inside. Check the spare tire well behind the right rear wheel. Finally, open the hood and look under the battery, an area that frequently corrodes on 280ZXs.

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