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Help with a 85 Honda Shadow Bike


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A coworker at my last job gave me this bike, it was sitting out in his back yard for 15 years, so it is in pretty sad shape. fixed it up and sans tires, it is technically ride-able. I took the carbs out and cleaned all the passages I could find, I cleaned the diaphragm slide(these carbs seem similar to SUs), and I took the jets out and cleaned them as well, making sure that none of the jets where clogged afterwords. Before I did this, the bike would start up, but die suddenly after 5 min. or so. Also, it would not rev at all when first started, but it would rev more when the bike warmed up a little. Additionally, it favored the front cylinder, with the idle dropping noticeably when pulling the spark plug wire, but no drop when pulling the rear's wire. I once coaxed it to rev up to about 7K, but it was stumbling all over the place.

Now that I have cleaned the carbs, it starts up even better, will not die after a few min, but will not rev at all, it dies if I try, and after ideling for 15 min, it will struggle to rev to 4k. It still favors the front cyl, and it is hard to start when warmed up, but not impossible like before. I did not put the air duct work back in, and when revving the bike, the slides in the carbs do not move, is this normal? I don't know alot about bikes, and I don't have the FSM or whatever bikes have to really poor over this thing. Any bike advice you guys may have would be much appreciated.


Thanks again!


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