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Guest m35514h

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Guest m35514h

Does anyone know how hard it is to lay down some rhinoliner truck bed liner in the interior of a z. I have a paint spray gun and was wondering if spraying it in myself was doable??

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Guest Anonymous

I picked up a sales catalog from an automotive paint store and found a host of polyurethane- epoxy "bedliner paints" What was interesting is that a $20.00 special spray gun was offered to paint the bedliner paints. I am considering bedliner paint for my project.

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Guest Anonymous

I have used Herculiner, $99.00 a gallon in black ( it will cost about $115 in colors).

I first used it on a Jeep interior about 2 years ago. It went on very easily with a brush in corners and a roller for the large area.


It has held up very well except at the heel area near the pedals. In the Jeep I have no floor mats. So If you cover the stuff it should be fine.


Last year, I used the Rustoleum bed liner found at Home Depot. It is going for $89.00 for the gallon kit. It contains smaller bits of rubber in it than the Herculiner, which may be better for the Z application. In this application, I used it for a steel diamond plate leading to the main entry of a very busy souvenir shop located near the Betsy Ross House, in Philadelphia. The foot traffic on this stuff has been unbelievable. It has also suffered from a few periods of snow and ice removal. This stuff looks as good as it did the day I put it on.


Don't bother with the spray gun. You want to cut in all of the edges with a brush. By the time you have done that, there is hardly enough area left to bother with the spray gun for.


This stuff is tolulene based. It will get you stoned in a heartbeat if not properly vented. Good news is that it like to be put down in a Rh of % 50 -70%.


Good Luck



I have just used the stuff (Rustoleum)again in a second Jeep project. So far so good it is now 6 months old and no wear.

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Guest Anonymous

The stuff Walmart has is made by Dulpicolor. I bought a quart can to try it out. This stuff has no texture (no bits of rubber in it)at all. If you buy thier install kit ( a cheap brush, a 6" roller tray, and a 6" roller handle with a funky roller cover that has loops on it), you can "texturize" the finish with the funky roller.


This stuff will take 3 coats for a nice finish, while the other products may require only two.


If you like a smooth finish then the Duplicolor stuff is okay, and it is cheaper at $50.00 a gallon.


The test area I used this on 6 months ago is holding up okay. I only used two coats for the test, and the coverage (finish)is not that great. I should have put on a third coat. Note, that I did only use a brush and not their funky roller. I wanted a non textured finish for the test area.

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