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Issue with my MS resetting and EDIS losing tacho output


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I have been trying to track down my MS reset issue, and I have a question about EDIS and the tacho output,


my EDIS is using the 3 x diodes to make my tacho work, when I have the reset issue (2-4 seconds), my taco drop to 0 RPMs,


when this happen, the EDIS module still has +12V to it (l i have a lights connected to the power wire to it, at the module itself),


I though that EDIS would still give out a tacho output, even if MS resets, since the engine is still turning over, even though it's dead


any ideas ?


and you can hear the fuel pump relay click when this happen, and click again when it fires back up



Edited by Noddle
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  • 3 weeks later...

After much trial and error (my Magnecor KV85leads look very nice),


I tracked it down to the pickup lead,


looks like it got hot, it was near the exhaust manifold,


when I cut it open, the 2 wires inside had melted through their insulation,


I assume in 2nd and 3rd gear hard pulls, it would flex enough to touch together, thus cutting sensor input (killing my tach signal / making MS reset)


moral of the story, check your cables, don't have anything near extreme heat.


I hope this helps someone else, it was very frustration to say the least.


but I'm a happy camper now..



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