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Posts posted by ttl

  1. dangerboy,


    I bought this car (5-speed), and as the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm. Or, at least a car that looks like worms have eaten through it. If you would be happy with a Z sitting in your driveway, I would be glad to park it there so my HOA doesn't tow it off or the neighborhood kids don't get tetanus from playing near a piece of mobile rust.

    In case anyone is interested, what happened is the previous owner tried to jump-start it but connected the jumper cables backwards and saw a puff of smoke. That was the ignition switch fusible link hopefully protecting a maze of Japanese wiring goodness. Of course, that was replaced (twisted around the non-burnt parts of the fusible link terminals) with a bit of 16AWG wire, after which he says he did not repeat the same backwards jumper cable mistake. Didn't start so he replaced the fuel pump, still no luck so he put it on Craigslist that same day. When I went to look at it, I replaced the wire with an 80 amp breaker and tried to start it, cranks fine but no ignition, didn't bother listening if the pump was running or not.

    Initial inspection shows the framerails and floorpans look pretty good, rails are not crushed and have little rust, won't know more until I get it home, probably tomorrow. Body is rough, fist sized rust hole in one rear quarter behind wheel, other lower quarter likely to fall off on the tow ride home.

    Upside is the previous owner had bought all new interior, carpet, complete weatherstripping/seals, electric door locks, Sony CD and speakers. Most of the interior parts and the lock kit are still new in bags/boxes.

    My plan was to race it in the 24hoursofLeMons but I have been missing a certain sense of hopeless desperation in my life so I think I will try to restore it. If you are still in the market for this in 6 months I will probably be trying to sell it as I will be at my wits end.



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