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Everything posted by 260chiles

  1. To any one I was checking the charging system on my 74 260z and I did noticed that it was very low on the charge at only 12.2v with all the loads and 13.7 with no loads, I desided to adjust the voltage regulator and got it to a steady 14.7. Al fine and cool but also I desided to install a rear defroster kit that I got from Jcwitney and used the original switch to complete the installation, I tested it and in the proccess did smell something like burning and noticed that my amp gage was not charging any more. connected my fluk to find that the alt is not charging at all now. Tested all the fuses, fusible links, swaped some relays around but still no charge, was wandering what is the relation between the chargin and the rear defroster, is there a component in commun?, One thing that I also do was to upgrade the charging system with a built in regulator alt did all the connections but still no charge, help!!!

  2. Hey guys, what's up. I need a body shop around the San Fernando Valley. Preferably around the middle or east side of the valley. I don't need any custom work and my budget is somewhat limited, so I just need a shop that is going to do the job right. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate the help. Thanks guys.
  3. Return spring is in and I will bleed the lines again and see if I still have air in them. I did that about a month ago but will try it again.
  4. Hey guys, I've been having a problem with my clutch pedal. At times it feels very soft and it seems like it just sinks in and cannot engage the gears. Normally it runs fine with no problems but it's bugging me that I can't figure out the issue. The slave cylinder was replaced a couple years ago and there seems to be no oil leaks anywhere. The clutch master cylinder was also replaced a few months ago, so I don't know where the problem could be. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks guys
  5. Thanks for the info guys. I appreciate it. By the way, I'm sad to say that my 260z has been wrecked. Young driver cut me off at intersection and ran right into her. Now just dealing with insurance and trying to convince them that my Z is not worth $800. We'll see what happens.
  6. My buddy is thinking about putting an RB motor into his Z and want to know where he can buy inexpensive motor mounts for the swap. Can anyne help with this information? Thanks guys
  7. Where can someone get these Infinity Machining motor mounts for the RB swap?
  8. My buddy is having trouble installing the megasquirt in a Z and was wondering if anyone in the L.A. area is available to help out. He will pay for the work of course but he would like to get it running for the Z nationals next month. If anyone is in the San Fernando area or close to it, we would appreciate some help...thanks guys
  9. Hey, I can make your Z smoke, and I can do it for only $100. Just bring your car over and let me play with the motor and carburators...haha My Z blows out a bunch of black smoke after playing it.
  10. So where do I begin with my brake problem? Do I adjust the rears or do I adjust the proportioning valve (how would I do that).
  11. Maybe I did cut too much on the springs and therefore I saw no improvement on the ride comfort, but it had upgraded thicker springs and it was still very stiff. And it's not only on bumps and potholes, it's every little rock and you should here and feel this thing on the less than perfect freeways and the lane deviders. Should I tear the whole suspension down and start from scratch?
  12. There is a guy in the L.A. area who has already done this swap. He was at the West Coast nationals and I think he even won some trophies for it last year. I see him around every now and then. Next time I see him at a local gathering i'll take some pics of his car and post'em.
  13. The ride height when I bought it was probably stock and it was pretty high. After we swaped out shocks, we cut the springs but I dont know if it's hitting the stops. I guess it bothers me so much because my friends just run over speed bumps like nothing and I have to slow down if I wanna keep my teeth in tact. The guy I bought it from though upgraded the suspension with thicker springs (which I got rid of) and a thicker sway bar (thinking of tossing that too). I know they may be good parts because he wanted to take it out to the track, but that is not my intention and I would prefer a car I can drive on the street without clenching my eyes and bitting down on my teeth everytime I hit a bump or pothole. Thanks for the info guys.
  14. I have had my Z for about 2 yrs now and since I got it the suspension has been really stiff. A few months ago, me and a buddy of mine changed the shock absorbers and I decided to go back to stock springs, as it had thicker aftermarket springs. The suspension improved very little. I know this is a sports car and it should be stiffer but it feels as if it has no suspension at all. Even my friends say it is very rough compared to their Z's. At this point I wanna know if there is a manufacture that makes airbags for a Z. I also want a low Z but dont want to scrape every single time I hit a dip or driveway which is the reason for airbags. I heard some cars use a strut like suspension with an airbag inside instead of the shock absorber. If anyone has any info please let me know. Thanks guys.
  15. I have done the brake conversion with the Toyota calipers, and they do brake much better than the stock rotors but the issue I have is that they lock much easier. At this point im kinna scared to drive fast in my Z because I had to stop suddenly on the freeway when some ******* cut me off and the brakes locked. I slid and began going to one side and then to the other. Luckily I was able to gain control but it was a really close call. This happens everytime I speed and have to suddenly stop, the only difference is that I know its coming so I try to be carefull. I'm almost thinking of trying another approach to the brake system. Any recommendations?
  16. Hey guys, I havent been in the site in a while because of shool and work of course, but I was wondering if anyone living in the San Fernando Valley is using a megasquirt system and if they could give me some info on it. My buddy and I found a turbo zx motor and wanna delete the stock Datsun madness for fuel delivery. The bad part is, I have only heard of megasquirt but I have no idea where to get it or what to get or to install it. We will pay for any labor done to tha car and hope someone can help us out. By the way, does anyone have any good home remedies for a black eye (aside from a piece of meat on my face)? Thanks guys
  17. I haven't done anything to the electrical system, but the guy who owned it prior to had put in an amplifier and cruise control on it. those are the only suspicious wires I have found on the car. other than that, I think it is all stock. Does anyone make a wire harness for the Z. youd figure after all the die hard fans someone would've come up with a harness by now. I'll try the product from summit though for the fix. thanks for the info guys....
  18. Hey guys, I'm having trouble with my lights. Lately, my marker lights have been going out on me everytime I drive my Z. I keep replacing the fuse and still it gets hot and keeps blowing out. It is melting my fuse box cover. if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate the info to my problem. Since i'm on the subject already, my headlight is really dim on one side(even after a new light) and my instrument guage light is very dim as well. I know its an old car but my buddy's '73 Z works alot better than my '74. What gives...
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