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Everything posted by mnelson260z

  1. Please let me know if anyone has this available.
  2. Hey guys, So me and Forrest started tackling the lean condition Moby's 240z was getting under cruise and sometimes under idle. It seems the IAT sensor wires were getting knocked loose--MSnS readouts immediately confirmed this as the IAT was going crazy across the board. So for now it's duct taped in there. Gonna go get a GM pigtail later on today but for now it's steady and reads the right temp (90-102f). I went to put gas in it after Forrest headed out (because we felt this had fixed the problem) and it felt like my 260 had felt when one of the carbs disabled itself somehow. Running on only 3 cylinders or whatever--and started getting REALLY lean @ idle. I put 7gal of 93octane in the tank too. If you throttle it you can hear that it's not working on all cylinders. Now, the JSK rail (definitely not fond of) is leaking a bit @ the #1 injector and maybe another (Moby warned me of the #1 before i took off from his place in CO). Gonna pull the plugs after work today and check them, it was too dark last night and I don't have a workspace to speak of. I'll keep updating but for now the car's parked outside my house just sitting and I really need it to run (not to mention no more boost after less than a week of having it makes me get all depressed ). I'm at ends trying to figure out what would be causing this. You guys have any suggestions whatsoever on where to start?
  3. So, I drove Moby's Z back to Baton Rouge--about 100-200 miles out the Fram G3 (before the fuel pump) decides to quit on me. No place in town has one--Pep Boys, Autozone, O'Reilly's. Do you guys have any recommendations? I'm trying to get this car running as my DD as my 260 currently has a harmonic balancer / crank pulley seperated. Thanks! Edit: The only place open that had a 3/8th" fuel filter was Autozone--a Deutsch FF419 (temporarily installed). The AFR now runs lean SOMETIMES at idle, uncommonly @ cruise. Under WOT it runs pig rich initially (9.5-10.2) then still rich (10.0-11.0). This definitely isn't how it ran until I got into Louisiana. Tomorrow Forrest and I are going to try and remap MSnS and see if it's the altitude. It didn't run like this in AR though--and that's only 800ft of elevation. Any suggestions to add? mnelson260z 74.5 260z 73 240zT
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