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  1. I'm interested too by a pair of cover in fiberglass!
  2. Sorry for the late reply... The issue is resolved! It was the PCV Hose that was cracked! Thanks all!
  3. Thanks for your tip! I'll check the PCV Hose tomorrow! And I try to find if there is any leaks around the manifolds!
  4. Hi Hybridzers! I write you because I have an issue with my 77' 280z! After changing my exhaust manifold, I've had to remove my EGR Valve because the new manifold doesn't have the hole to connect the EGR... So, after deleted the EGR, my car doesn't keep the idle like if the air/fuel ratio was modified... (sound like too much air...) Could someone help me to explain me a way to proceed? Some pics: Thanks for your help! (Ps: sorry for my bad English, I try my best...)
  5. Hi all, I search for a rear brake disc conversion kit for my 77' Zee... Anyone have these parts his garage? And will be ok to ship to Belgium? Thanks Hybridzers!
  6. Like I said in the post #11, I dont understand all the things that are write in the FAQ link...
  7. Ok, thanks for your answer but I dont understand what I must do in step 14... Could you explain me? Thanks again!
  8. Thanks Johnc! I understand why shorten the strut now! But it's difficult for me to understand the complete explication to shorten the strut... So the other problem is to find gland nuts to fit 280z... Do you think that there is a solution in this topic: http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/98897-step-by-step-coilover-conversion/ Step 12 to 14...
  9. Thanks again JMortensen! Another thing that I dont understand, what is the "advantage" to shorten or not the strut? Clarkspeed, I think the gland nuts are for VW threads... Do you know what can I do for that? Can I buy new gland nuts that fit my struts?
  10. Tell me if I've understand: If I shorten my strut, I don't need any spacer to lower my car? Or I couldn't shorten my strut and I use spacer to lower it? Sorry...
  11. Thanks JMortensen! Do you know the size of the spacer? Same size front and rear? Must I shorten the strut inevitably?
  12. Hi all, First, sorry for my bad english... Like I write in the title, I need some help to fit these shocks on my 77' 280z! Some pics: Someone could give me a "how to" or tell me what modification I must do to fit it on my car? Thanks in advance for your help!
  13. Hi Dat Z Sun, Sorry for the late reply but I didn't receive any notification for your post... I think that I go for a S13 coilovers... Why this question?
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