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Posts posted by Beck

  1. Pictures? Of what? I haven't really taken pictures of the mold in my car, but I do have pictures of the dead frogs that seemed to go with the mold. My web hosting site appears to be down, so I attached one here. I suppose I could take pictures of the box of detergent if that was needed.



    I didn't take notice of the actual amount of detergent I used. I tried to use as little as possible and used the hottest water I could stand.


  2. I used "20 Mule Team Borax" detergent. It took me forever to find, but it has worked for 4 months. It was also dirt cheap. Before using this, Clorox type cleaners were only a temporary fix. I'm sure if you goolge borax and mold killing youll get a ton of info. I didn't choose the 20 Mule brand; it was just the only thing I could find with borax.

  3. I have the 80 owners manual somewhere. Somewhere in the abyss this house has become.


    Side note: I figure you can get a 2005 G35 Owners manual online, but I have the whole kit with all of the Option books and guides. It all came together in a leather zip up bag. Xenon, let me know if you want that. Oh, and a 1987 warranty book.

  4. I guess we are the three amigos. I was wondering why the welding forum moved so slow... but now I know there are only three of us :-P




    Anyway, this is what I have now. It came with 31 cu ft of UHP Helium. You would cringe if you knew how many butterfly and bunny balloons were blown up with this. I'm planning on getting a 60-100ish cylinder of argon. Last quote I got was over $200, so I am getting close to throwing in the towel on helping any of these local businesses.

  5. So, I have been away from hybridz for quite some time. I did a great deal of searching for speedshopthagard and James Thagard and didn't some up with much. Seems like a lot of information has evaporated. Googling just turns up dozens of dead links. If there is someone else on hybridz dealing with turbo sales, then shoot me with a PM. I'm not hunting down Dr Thagard specifically, I just wanted to spend some money inside the community.

  6. I am curious how much everyone is paying for gas/cylinders. Helpful info would be....


    Name of the company

    Type of gas

    Size of cylinder

    Rent or Bought cylinder

    State you live in


    I currently have a UHP Helium cylinder, but I haven't gotten it filled because both gas suppliers here throw a hissy about the brand of the cylinder (matheson), which means I can't just swap it and have to send it off. I've been struggling the last few months and finally had something go my way, so i can fill this and buy a cylinder for argon. I just wanted some numbers to go by when I got down there, because they tend to size you up here, and rape you in the, well you know. I have also noticed that these places have high turn over and the names change every 6 months. It this normal nationally? Oh and this is to TIG.



    edited: I was a tard and put the wrong brand instead of matheson

  7. She is being unreasonable. You need to send her a message. Put her out at a RESPONSIBLE family member's house. DO NOT let her stay with one of her sh*t talking, scheming friends. Give her some time to think through whether you are more important than the ghost of her last dude. I know the time apart might seem harsh, but many people fall into the need to fight, or must be proven right, no matter what the cost. Given a day or two away, that urge is taken from them. If she cannot recover from a few days break, and instead stews the entire time, you know you need to get a professional involved. Whether that is a therapist or lawyer is your call.


    Every time I have heard this, the person doing the complaining is the real cheater and is trying to cover their tracks. Most wounded people retract and grow quiet, not accusatory. Don't try to live with it. I have had to get rid of 2 psychopaths like this in my past, and life is so much better now. Their lives are total ratsh*t and they are pulling the same garbage on the new chumps they have.


    Oh, and trying to explain everything on the computer just makes you look more guilty. I saved everything I ever did for about 4 years, and it still wasn't enough. Many wives have no idea what makes computers work, so if you explain anything beyond what they understand, then they assume you are lying. Since even you don't fully understand how it works, silence will help you more than explaining.

  8. Double update...


    I sprayed Sunday. No critters were visible.


    Today I go out there and the little _______ have made a new eggsack. Anyway, instead of applying another slight mist coat, I upped the amount. At dark there was a halo of dead ants and misc bugs surrounding the car. I'm hoping that is a good sign.

  9. I am in the process of moving my intercooler further from the ground. My pipes are 2" and my IC is 60mm. Not only do I need a reducer, but I need a 45deg bend, too. I can find 2" to 2.25" bends, but not in 60mm. The prices in 60mm are really ugly for even the plain hose. The current setup involves 3 couplers to make up the joint on each side. I would think a nice silicone hose would be happy on something .100" bigger, but then I think about why would the original installer use 6 couplers when 2 would have worked. I was mostly wondering if someone had experienced a problem after some use.

  10. I dont follow....


    So its all stock but you messed with a boost controller....hum


    Auto tranny known to run faster on the turbo cars.


    So what are you saying? That my friends car was still faster than yours on nearly identical setups before you messed with the boost? And by .3 sec I might add.

    It looks like you are wanting an argument. I gave you a list and a time. Then I gave you an additional component and a new time. An open downpipe, bigger tires, and a 50 shot of nitrous should be more than .3 sec worth of improvement.
  11. You might need an adjustment on some other part.


    1987 300zx Turbo

    Stock size street tires

    Stock exhaust

    Automatic Transmission

    Stock Motor

    Stock Turbo

    Stock Boost

    Open Differential

    Heavier tires and wheels, with adapters


    ran 14.5


    after a few passes with a boost controller it ran 14.0


    I'm not trying to give you a hard time about your numbers. It would just be terrible if you focused all your efforts in the wrong direction.

  12. As much as I like introducing critters to flaming deaths... I need different solution. I don't think my dash and carpet will enjoy heat or a chemically incompatible dousing. Tomorrow will be a special Sunday service with guest speakers: Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide, and Permethrin. Any stray cats are also invited.


    I'll post up later to let everyone know if this combo works out.

  13. Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead.




    My car has sat since March and I have found some new inhabitants. The floor boards are filled with webs and just about every bit of the engine bay and under the car. The spiders are more black than brown, but the local extension expert says it is definitely a brown widow infestation. The problem I am having is what to spray in the car. I got wonderful recommendations on the yard and exterior, but everytime, I get an 'i dont know or I wouldnt use it on the inside of the car'. I was just wondering if anyone had figured this out.

  14. http://www.doubledogracing.com/z/site/halfshafts/ddr_beck_s130t_halfshafts.jpg





    This arrangement is also on the NA z31. While the z31 has slightly more force going through it, that force is also transmitted by a longer shaft creating smaller angles.


    A tripod cannot transmit the same force a Rzeppa can. It also has a much lower ability to perform at angle. The maximum joint angle is also much smaller.


    On fwd cars the inner joint sees much less angle than the outside because the outside also has to move with the steering. A tripod cost less to manufacture, so they are put on the insides. They don't survive on the outside, so a Rzeppa is used. This is where a lot of 'cant put them on the outside' comes from. Many people hear "cv" and cant make the mental leap past *it must be on a fwd*.


    On a 4wd, there is an extreme amount of travel and angle. Bigger tires and lower gears increase the amount of force going through the joint. It's a tripod death for sure.


    There is a grey area where tripods do just fine. Lower power, lower angles, and longer shaft all help make them survive. I used to work at a place that made Rzeppa type joints, so I do have a special hate for tripods, but I will acknowledge they get the job done when the factors allow.


    I'm not sure exactly how your car is set up, but I've used tripods in the past. I didn't lose sleep over it, but also know I can't toss stupid prayers at it, like slicks, etc. The extra power I made was helped some by having a lowered car (reducing the joint angles). Now I have a stockpile of z31t, z32, and r32 joints and I won't ever intentionally use a tripod again.


    While I am thinking of it, some people call tripod joints tripots. Back in the day it had another meaning (tripod joint housings made by pot broaching), but now you can give up on anyone truely not using them interchangably. If you do anymore fact finding, you may come across it spelled this way.

  15. I will be taking care of some things out there today, and will look for you. The info I have on the computer, I can bettter share after tomorrow when I get to a location with internet.

  16. I trust Eaton parts as much as I trust the spray from a garden hose to stop a mack truck. Stay far away. If your not convienced, I can show you pictures of the mostrocities my co-workers sent out as good parts at the Eaton plant I worked in.

  17. I have some things I can look at, but I not entirely sure what you are asking. You are asking if the studs on the back cover are the same spacing? Or, are you wanting to know if the distance between the two types of flanges are the same? Maybe I missed something, but you said you got a 300zx NA and you are just putting another r200 into it right? I'm missing the tt conection. I have a ton of compatibility info and a pile of diffs in the gararge. I'm sure we can find out what you are looking for. Oh yeah, and it is really hard to get those other z32 guys to put down their emory boards and toenail polish to help anyone getting dirty. I'm ashamed to have a z32 in my yard.


    ps I'm working on axles right now - if you have some q45 specs (if you grabbed the axles) you can let out the bag I would appreciate it. I have tons of pics of them disassemble and next to each other so far on jdm and usdm Nissan stuff.

  18. Turbo VGs used two different sets in the US. They are the same as the ones used in the NAs for any given year on Z31s. The split is at 8/87. Anything before is 13P80 and anything after is 19P80. The earlier cams have more duration and overlap. These cams also came in many other vehicles like J30, U11, D21, WD21, D21U, and the S12. I can look up the data on any VG cam except one jdm set I feel I haven't gotten reliable info on.


    13P80 252-252-20-52-10-62

    19P80 248-248-10-58-10-58


    Look in a FSM if you are confused by the numbers here. There is a good visual representation of them in there.


    13P20 is just an older version of the 13P80 and has the same characteristics. 19P00 is an older version of the 19P80 and is the same circustances as above.

  19. A seized turbo doesn't make 2-3 lbs of boost. If you caught it the moment before it seized that is amazing. The dying typical make noise and don't go quietly. My first guess would be a vac leak, especially in the line going to the boost gage. Every single z31 I have had has had that particular line die. I too am sorry you didn't get a speedy reply, but I wasn't going to break into the library over the weekend to take care of it. I think I have 3 cars now that have that line repaired with the end of a cheapy ballpoint pin metal cartridge. The springs end up in 280zx wiper motors, but that is another story.

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