Maybe you guy's can help me out with something.
First, for clarification, Agyandaredhead titled this "really nice digital camera". Also, I'm getting the impression that maybe he can afford somthing in the $1000 range.
Here's where I need help... I've used a number of P&S's from three different manufacters (probably totaling 12-15). Every one of them had a long turn on time, eats batteries, slow focus, slow shot to shot, and lackluster metering. These are ALL things that are important to the casual user (or should be, ESPECIALLY with kids). Admittedly, I have intimate experience with only one DSLR. However, I can say without hesitation that it does a fine job in all these areas. Most DSLR's probably do. I'm not much of a photographer, but I have captured many shots with my DSLR that I could NEVER get out of a P&S. And furthur, its EAISER to use than any P&S.
The ONLY advantage to a P&S is compactness and price, but thats IT. I fail to see any other reason to own one.
I don't think you have to be a good photographer to appreciate a DSLR. On the contrary, I think it makes you look BETTER than you are