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  1. The car will not be subjected to extreme track or drag race, im gathering all the possible options inorder for these to work.thanks for the suggestion sir, it is highly appreciated. Best regards, Mark G.
  2. i havent bought the thing yet, the price is just irresistible like the guy wants $250 dollars for the whole set and upon ocular inspection it looks good to me, keep in mind that the coilovers are in manila, thus the cheap price. so im trying to figure out what option do i have inorder for these babies to work. What im thinking right now. 1.Cut the damper housing until the perch, insert the strut tube in it or insert it in the strut tube, make a hole in the strut tube for the damper adjuster nut at the bottom of the strut tube then weld. as for the rears, cut the bottom part insert the strut tube in it and then weld. 2.insert the whole damper in the strut tube(will bring the strut tube to the machine shop to fit the damper)make a hole at the bottom of the strut tube for the damper adjuster nut, press then weld. same for the rear. insert the bottom part of the rear coilovers into the strut tube then weld. Please guys, if you have any idea or theory as to how will this work, or how this setup wont work, please tell them to me so that i can gauge the difficulty of this setup. i will scan my drawings on how the supposed procedure will go. Best Regards, Mark G.
  3. Ok so i managed to find a set of coilovers for s13 but the thing is the dampers are getting in the way, the dampers SEEM to be welded on the perches of the coilover. how can i go about this? any input would be greatly appreciated.thanks guys!
  4. Thanks for the information bro, i will research on it further before jumping the gun. Cheers, Mark G.
  5. i too, have read this post sir, but this conversion has been done for a 240z, not a 280z cause the 280z strut tube is 1/8 of an inch thicker so im having doubts if the s13 coilovers will work. im trying to find an alternative withour necessarily ordering parts from the U.S cause the shipping cost alone would be killing me. thanks for the link sir. Cheers, Mark G.
  6. yes i did visit the site, i think the site is managed and owned by azcarbum, correct me if im wrong. but the problem is the shipping cost to manila, thats why im looking for an alternative to this.thanks. Regards, Mark G.
  7. I have read about it sir(as indicated in my post), but the shipping cost alone would be a pain cause i am not a resident of the united states(im from manila), thus i am looking for an alternative without necessarily buying the adapter kits which sir azcarbum and 240zdan is selling at i think $350 a set.cheers. Best Regards, Mark G.
  8. ok, so i have been storming my head as to what coilovers i can use for my 280z, first of all i have read that the S13 coilovers wont work because the the strut tube of a 280z is 1/8 of an inch thicker than the 240z, soo ive been thinking about the following option. since parts from the US are not easily accessible to me,i have read dans post about the the 280z conversion kit, it would be lovely but the shipping alone will be killing me already so im trying to find an alternative of doing a coilover conversion since labor and fabrication is very cheap here.and datsun 280z parts are very rare from where i come from, you can literally count how many z's are actually road worthy. These are the questions that i really am contemplating. 1. can i buy a set of s13 coilovers, have a tube fabricated to fit my strut tube and from that fabricated tube i will weld my coilovers? 2. Can i Grind that extra 1/8 of an inch from the strut tube and fit the coilovers. 3.what coilover choices do i have? assuming that fabricating and labor is very cheap here in manila, plus i have a wide array of selection for coilovers for almost every sportscar(JDM with the like of skyline,sylvia,mr2,celica,etc) and a wide array of brands (Tein,cusco,jic,HKS,etc) plus i can get them for cheap(straight from japan) were talking $300 for the whole set including everything. 4. can i directly cut and weld the coilover perches to the strut tube assuming the coilover perches are metal and it will directly bolt on to the strut tube? 5. what issues am i to expect regarding this conversion? 6.What is the measurement of the outer diameter of the strut tube for the 280z? 7.can i buy a set of coilover that already has slotted perches like this one and weld it directly to the strut tube assuming that the perches are steel and will slide directly to the strut tube? Thanks a lot guys, i really am looking forward to completing my project, this is the last hurdle that im trying to get over, any suggestions, extreme or whatnot are welcome and will be highly appreciated. if theres a thread that tackles this topic please give me the link and ill be more than happy.thanks guys! Regards, Mark G.
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