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Everything posted by tsabboi

  1. The original owner said the slave cylinder has to be replaced (30 years old) and it was leaking so it had to be replaced... i tried moving the fork before it i installed the slave cylinder but i couldn't really tell if it was broken or not (not ASE certified just Do-It-Yourself)... any tips would help!
  2. A 79' 280ZX... the replacement I bought for the car came off of a Z Catalog so I find it hard to find a longer pushrod, and would that include the exploding leaking that I am getting?
  3. After installing the slave cylinder in my car, the pushrod is stuck in place and refuse to move, so the clutch fork is just stuck on engage every time i try to bleed or just the press the clutch, the dust cover just blows off the cylinder leaking almost all the fluid, I'm stumped on what to do, does anybody have any idea what to do?
  4. Please if any of you guys/girls know the specifications it would help me a lot... no luck on google...
  5. I'm in the process of installing my slave cylinder onto the clutch housing... but I cannot figure out what bolt I should use since the replacement didn't come with one... does anyone have these bolt info because the service manual only tells me the torque specification (22 to 30 lbs) but not the exact bolt size. i have searched most of Google on, "replacement bolts, slave cylinder bolts" and havent came up with anything... thanks in advance!
  6. sick ride man, how much did it cost for the entire engine swap?
  7. cool thanks, and do you have any idea where it should be mounted, I cant seem to find a place to mount it, although from what I been reading, I can just bypass it by going straight from the master to the slave but would suffer a stiffer pedal, opinion?
  8. Alright so i'm in the final phase of finishing my clutch's hydraulic system when I find this part,I have no idea what it is called and what it does, the manual also doesn't show it, my 280zx is right hand drive too, so even harder to navigate things under the hood (proof below) So if you guys have any ideas please help i'm stuck! Part Description: Its in between the Master and Slave Clutch Cylinders, both the clutch line from the master and slave connect to this part, and has a bleeder screw.
  9. Man i feel so stupid right now after reading your post i took my terminal apart and guess what was under the terminal? White, rusty gunk, and after applying some spray to it, GOLD!!! had some trouble starting up but it did, but since its almost night i cant continue working on it, but thanks so much guys! I will post up more info later...
  10. I don't know how to put it in correct wording but: When i check the voltage before cranking the engine, it's at 12.2-4 ish. The moment i put load into it (by cranking) the voltage drops immediately to 0, afterwords it takes awhile to regain back the voltage, battery is pretty new FYI. So my solution now is to just test the ignition system until i find a short somewhere, but if you guys have better ideas i'm all ears.
  11. Sorry this is my first time posting so please forgive any noob things i say: I have a 1979 280zx 2+2, Right Hand Drive, 5 speed manual. To start off: I recently finish installing a new starter and alternator, the car already has new spark plugs, battery + fresh oil. The master and slave clutch cylinder are also not installed (Is this the big issue?) After installing the new starter and alternator, the car doesn't start up anymore, but it was cranking before. The starter has one more gear on the pinion gear compared to the stock starter, but i dont think that would be a big problem. The starting issue is: when I try to crank the engine, all it does is make a click noise around the starter area, and my battery voltages drops to 0!!! It gradually goes back to 12.5-8V of course. I've tried to jump start it but it was still dropping voltage, the starter has good ground + voltage (may not be getting enough Amps?) Any ideas???
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