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Posts posted by roninjiro

  1. I have been thinking about some of the compounds in exhaust. I know that H20 is a by product under certain cercumstances. Is it possible that the blow by from bad rings/lands could alow the water vapor to condesnse into the catch can? I also noticed the water wasn't exactly the original color of coolant, so could the oil mixing with the water give it a greenish hue? I know this is far fetched, but it's the only thing that came into my head as I sleeped.


    Now that i think about it, that does make sense. I have had this problem before also, on my very first z. My scenario was more like cracked head and bad rings though. Also for me my car smoked white really bad as well as "coolant" blow by from the valve cover with no coolant in the oil.


    Talk about bad luck

  2. that is kind of a tricky question. the only way you will know the answer is if you take the trim off, and inspect along your windshield channel, on all my cars it was always worse than the bubbling appeared, but then again i get my s130's after they have had extremely abused lives.


    So lets say you take the trim off and the bubbling is only one area. Meaning it has not spread all along the windshield channel. If this is the case you can do a minor repair by cleaning that area with a wire brush or spot blast it, followed by treating it with a rust inhibitor like the POR products. Once you complete that you can use a body filler, sand, prime and paint (if you can match the original). With this method you should not need to pull the windshield out.


    But in other cases like myself, if the damage was more than meets the eye you will have to pull the windshield, trim, wipers, and plastic grill for extensive metal replacement. I hope you do not have to go that route, as I hate it every time.

  3. The cowl is spot welded in (integrates into the windshield channel, top portion of firewall,and so forth.). You can repair the rust damage correctly by removing the windshield, lower and side trim along with wipers to fully access the area. sorry i wish we had the removable cowls too.

  4. hehe... i don't wanna get rid of it, i really like it. I am just amazed at how i can't seem to find any info on it really. ideally i would like to have it re-made, but i doubt that will happen because i really do not want it redone in glass or fiber.


    anyone familiar with A&A racing? the original owner said they used to make dragstrip racing composites, but were shutdown due to strict air pollution requirements or something in that sense. he also said it used to have a splitter on the bottom of it.


    any ideas on how to refresh it?

  5. looks like the stock steel piece on mine thats just made in eurothane...hey pm me about that targa panel you have i might want it, bought those wheels and tires from you a few years back


    hey! I thought you had a s30? sorry, I have the panel on ebay. also, are you still running the tire rim setup?


    I figured i should post up some pics of this thing... It looks pretty neat and just want some more information if anyone knows anything about it.


    I have gotten back into the 280zx phase that never left me again, and now have 2 of them once more, but this time these stay with me. Wife said so.....

  6. ive done a ka24t swap on my zx b/f i got rid of it. there is alot involved. the sr, like the ka24t has a front oil sump which will it the crossmember. you would then have 2 options, modify the crossmember or modify the oil pan and pick up. i chose the crossmember modification. for me it was easy, cut the crossmember in three pieces, reverse the center section, weld back up, trim the now rear edge of the crossmember off, and voila (use a 240z-280z rack and pinion as your rack is now up front, as well as lenghten your steering shaft) . now all you would have left is the actual engine mounts, and tranny mount to fab up. it's time consuming.... but worth it in the end.

  7. I'm not leaving the forum just going to Iraq for a years deployment. I know to a lot of you guys i am a bit of an hardheaded fart, so smile for once! :) to everyone who thought i was ok, thank you for listening or pretending! :lol: Any who i guess i will catch ya later another time, and i must now say hello to to my new duty station.... Baghdad...:( bye guys



  8. nice, but i call bs on the original mpg. i have the 93 civic (bare bones model aka cx) and it was all stock and driven to get the most mpg out of it and i could only achieve 45mpg at the most. now mind you that this is in perfect working order and using the most lightest oils and even compression across the boards. (basically a new car that was broken in) now he claimed 50 to 60mpg stock....BS. i need real data from when he achieved that and how the hell he did it. if he can prove that... i will believe the rest. in my eyes anyone will try to get their 5 minutes of fame... and I'm not buying it without hardcore data to back it up. and this doesn't matter how ugly it is.


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