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Everything posted by Nemesis280zx

  1. Hey nemesis, do you have a tracking # I can reference for the fuel rail?

  2. Send me your paypal acct, and I'll buy the fuel rail. shipping to 92123?

  3. I'm looking to buy a set of the 73 240Z rods if anyone has some or knows of where I can get these let me know.
  4. Hey I can get does for you. I run a waterjet over here in Tucson,AZ so let me know if you want me to help you out. miguel280zx@yahoo.com
  5. Right we are preparing to get some body parts to fab up some fiberglass parts. We will definitely strive towards good customer care and relations. We will let you guys know our progress.
  6. Its not my dream to do this, I just figure I would give it a shot to make some parts at a reasonable price for the Z guys. I also want to make more fiberglass parts there are not available that much anymore. I know this is going to be tough to do, but I have one of my friends that will be in this with me. As far as experience, I haven't had a whole of of it, but I have done work with fiberglass and bondo. The most recent was when I ran over my new MSA Style III bumper, broke in half and in pieces. I ended up fiberglassing it back together. I want to give it a try, so we will try it out with some test trial runs first and show you guys the progress and process. Thanks
  7. I really want to make this happen. My plan is to make everything that can be made into a Fiberglass replacement for the Z. Including dashes, center consoles, hood scoops, roof scoops, spoilers, flares, etc. This is a big thing though, so its gonna be kind of tough. I really want to try it though. If you guys have anymore ideas let me know.
  8. Yea I will definately have good good customer relations. I've sold other stuff on here and I have always kept in contact with my customers, so thats no problem. I definately want to make the prices reasonable cause a lot of fiberglass out there is sold really expensive, so I will look into it. I will keep you guys posted on this.
  9. I was wondering what kind of attention I would get if I started making fiberglass parts for the 240Z and 280Z. I wanted to start making fiberglass fenders, hoods, etc. That type of stuff. Let me know what everyone thinks about this. I also want to try to sell these at a reasonable price. Thanks. Miguel
  10. Well it turned out to be the wastegate actuator tube that connects to the top of the turbo, the bracket that holds the actuator was loose and it didn't allow the wastegate to open or close. I just pulled it back a little and tightened it back up and everything is fine. Thanks for your help.
  11. I recently took a trip to California, when I got back I had to change out the exhaust/intake manifold gasket. After I put it all together, tightened everything down, the car started to run funny, well different from before. In the morning, I give it gas to go, and the car boggs down, like if its gonna die. Then when I'm cruising at a constant speed, I will press the pedal all the way down quickly and the car stumbles for a second. It still boosts the same, at 15psi., fuel pressure is the same, the blow off is not as loud anymore, before it used to blow off loud. The car still seems to have the same power, but it drives strange, the way the motor sounds is different. I checked for vacuum leaks, but dont find anything. Please help me if you have an idea, anything helps. Thanks
  12. I wanted some in sight on a future project. 240Z powered by an RB26 Skyline motor, now heres the question... how do you make this car AWD drive with the suspension and driveline of a AWD Skyline? What parts would we have to get to make it all wheel drive? Money is not an issue. Let me know what you guys think about this project and process. Thanks.
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