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About eightytwoturbo

  • Birthday 10/09/1987

eightytwoturbo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. checked the relay? clean it
  2. well I got another pulley and new front seal, everything is back to normal now. and I do own a haynes manual for the car... thanks to all that helped though... /end thread
  3. haynes manual haynes manual haynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manualhaynes manual haynes manual jesus christ, sorry i cant ask a few questions on a freaking forum. excuse me while i go hide back under my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rock. have a nice day
  4. ok anyone have a resource online on getting a pulley and the seal that goes into the timing cover? do i need a whole new timing cover just because that seal came out? it looks like it was made onto the cover on the inside..... oreily's parts here in town says its $240.00 for just a PULLEY to fit my car.. figured there would be some universal ones?? what the hell lol. i dont mind using a used one in good shape
  5. i know the alternator isnt charging, its because the crankshaft pulley isnt even moving, because its fucked... I am not asking questions now man, i was just wondering if that threw my timing off with the crankshaft pulley broke, since the shaft was constantly turning with nothing holding it tight onto the pulley because i drove it a little ways home, but decided to pull over and get it towed. I am listening so i dunno wtf you mean by that. my issue is solved now, the whole reason before was i thought i had a electrical wiring problem but ended up to be the altenator, but its not the altenator it self... its the crankshaft pulley which turns my altenator, waterpump, powerstearing, ac etc. No flaming here, i appreciate all the help.
  6. well ended up being my crankshaft pulley... its broke where the key holds it in place. the bolt and washer came completely off that holds it on the front of the pulley luckily the bolt and washer was laying in my fan shroud! so im going to be buying a new pulley and crankshaft seal tommorow and putting it back together, im assuming this threw my timing off... so im gonna have to check my firing order. it would crank up previously and sounded normal, just a bad idle. so maybe nothing is internally screwed. will update tommorow.
  7. motor will start and run with lumpy idle and then wants to go dead without some throttle pressed. just got from up under it, seems like the bearing around the shaft of the fan coming out the head or whatever is busted, with oil around it, still not sure what it is so far, but not looking good. and yes, none of my belts are turning over, even my radiator fan my mechanic buddy is coming over soon to help me out, will keep ya posted
  8. ok none of my belts are turning over, not even the fan belt... so im really not sure wtf is going on.. im not a mechanic or anything. anyone have a link to a writeup or steps on easiest way of removing the altenator?
  9. now i understand, was having a brain fart... going out there today and working on it, gonna check grounds and voltage, will let you guys know thanks for the help
  10. it started running poor when all the lights came on tho, and a alternator wouldnt effect this would it? also all my inside dome lights are not working, and the fuses are good... they worked fine before this started happening..
  11. 3 connectrs into the ecu, then this random plug that doesnt go into ecu,but near it.. its bothering me... green/black wires
  12. anyone?... im trying to get my car to run right, been through all the normal z bs... cleaning every connection and ground, all my lights are on (fuel, brake, engine, door,) what the heck could be causing this? my idle jumps from 200-1000 and then the car dies. i was thinking a bad ground somewhere, but ive checked and cleaned everything... car was running superb till on my way home from work today. not sure where this plug goes, but since its right near the ecu im guessing its well needed???
  13. hey all, havent posted in a while... got a question there is 3 plugs that go into my ecu on my ZXT but there is also another coming off the harness near those 3 that is not plugged up... and i cant find where the hell it goes... is this a boost sensor plug or what? the wires are solid green and black. its a 2 prong plug i believe looks kinda like a "L" shape female connectors
  14. so possible ecu, what else? faulty injector?
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