So I decided to put air in the tires the front went right up to 30 no prob then I went to the rear and right about 22psi it blew up in my face! It scared the S&*T out of me but aside from my ears ringing for an hour or so I was okay.
So what kind of oil should be used in the carbs? I am assuming I fill it up through the black knobs on top?
Last night I found a folder of old service records (previous owner was the original) In the top of the pile was the receipt for a complete tune up including vavle adjustment, carb sync, cap, rotor, plugs, points, wires, and oil change. Along with replacing radiator, hoses and thermostat. And according to the service record this was also done about a 1000milxse ago but then it sat.
They lady that gave it to me said she had a new motor put in it about 10 years ago.
thanks or the help and I will keep you updated!