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Everything posted by Psy8ern3t1k

  1. Wow, Holy crap man. I am in a position to, with any luck, get a '77 280z fo' free from a local body shop that has had it for more than six years. Its just been sitting. Fortunately I shouldn't have to worry too much about rust considering I'm in Florida. Anyway, I was near ecstatic when I found this thread. I would be more than interested in a kit for this swap. It has been my ultimate goal for the Z since I saw it and realized it could be mine! I already have body parts picked out for it from ZStore, and even a theme for the paint. I want to build it for drift. Can you tell me what was the most difficult/ time consuming part of the swap so far? Besides the wiring harness; hows that coming? I'll keep this thread in my favorites so I can stay posted. I can't wait to see more and learn more about this swap! Keep Up the great, inspiring work!
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