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Posts posted by vlan1

  1. While you do have some very valid points Tony , I'm not going to argue that. But the OP made no mention of a turbocharged setup, so I would have to assume without further info he is referring to a N/A setup. In all your experience have you seen somebody make 300whp NA with low enough compression or timing retarted enough to run 87 octane safely?

  2. Don't want to sound like a ****** but... unless you live in a remote area where only 87 Octane is available, why would you want to bother building a performance motor to run on 87? If it is a matter of the price difference maybe you should not be driving a classic car. But even so as the above poster alluded too, building a 300hp motor for low octane would cost quite a bit of money. Most likely more than the savings at the pump would cost you. Just my 2 cents.

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