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  1. Now im having an issue with the headers hitting the drier when its in the stock location. Anyone have this issue? Going to call tomorrow to see if i can get some insight.
  2. Every-time I try to sign in it says my password is incorrect and I always end up needing to reset it before i can login. Anyone know how I can solve this issue?
  3. Thanks for the pics! with the vintage air condenser were you able to use the jons cars ac lines or did you need custom ones?
  4. Thanks everyone for the replies. This helps a lot.
  5. That helps a lot! I was going to try and stick with the factory ac system. Any reason you went with vintage air instead?
  6. Yes i bought the kit but no pictures in the book.
  7. Ive been looking for pictures of the ac set up with no luck. The pics that used to be posted are no longer available. Can anyone who has his AC set up post some detailed pics of it? Thanks!
  8. I know this is a long shot but ive been using this picture for reference and is no longer available. Could you re upload some pics? Thanks
  9. I would use wiring specialties harness https://www.wiringspecialties.com/unls1wihatup.html. Ive used them before and they work great.
  10. Very sorry to hear about this. looks like a very clean z. If you dont mind me asking what are the dimensions on those wheels and where did you buy them?
  11. you know you own a datsun when you drive 3 hours in 105 degree heat with no ac and still love every minute of it. you know you own a datsun when you use the transmission tunnel to keep warm when your heater isnt working.
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