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About dts300z

  • Birthday 01/08/1979

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  • Location
    Jacksonville, FL

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  1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting it tuned all in. This car has been in a place called swap land for the last almost 10 years lol. To keep it short this particular swap was started in August 2012 and I just got it fired up (I would say to check out my build thread but I've exceeded the bandwidth for my free PB account lol), although you can go to the link in my build thread to the PB account. I'm not as quick to getting things done like the old days since I have a little one running around now but overall I'm very pleased this go around and plan to keep the LS series engine in the car.
  2. Finally got her fired off. Here is the start up and a walk around sorta lol. Have a lot of loose ends to button up. Enjoy!
  3. I exceeded my bandwidth on PB so here is a link http://s164.beta.photobucket.com/user/DanShields_2007/library/ Also got her fired up.
  4. Made a bit more progress. Charge pipes are done and getting close on the wiring harness.
  5. Got the microsquirt in yesterday Thing is tiny. Should be able to get this thing running in a few weeks now!! Cut a ton of wire out I won't be using.
  6. Here are a few more shots with the radiator and fans in.
  7. Ok a little more progress. Down pipe made and contour fans fitted to radiator. Fans are a little big but after I seal them off they should work great.
  8. Got some more finished up over the weekend.
  9. Alrighty finally making some progress. Drop the engine in and started mocking up the fuel system and turbo hot side.
  10. ^^ Agree 100%. I'm working on an LS swap into mine right now lol. I can't weld but try anyway and it's proving to be pretty involved. I've done a few of these swaps... in the same car actually. The LT1 fits nicely compared to the LS but I would no doubt steer you towards the LS swap over a SBC or LT1 swap having done the LT1. With the LS series (4.8L, 5.3L specifically) with very minimal work and a turbo you should meet your goals. I know you can make power with the GN engine but I'm in no way familiar with them. Just to give you an idea of cost I should be into my swap for about $5k not including labor and I should be able to make ~650ish or maybe some high 9s without batting an eye. I'm limited by my turbo. There are guys out there making 700 plus and trapping 140ish on these engines with very little modification and money spent. Best bang for the buck IMO. Here is some inspiration Dunno if the guy is a member here but that is one mean Z.
  11. I actually just slowly work it into place. I made a template with cardboard and then gave myself an extra inch or so all the way around the template (except for at the top). I started at the top, the only place I didn't add additional metal and started taching it. I welded everything from the inside except for the top. I had to tach it into place on the outside while I was forcing the metal into the tunnel. Easier said then done. Where the metal met the existing tunnel I had to use a bit of pursuasion as I tached it in. It didn't take very long. Took more time to grind all the excess metal down and smooth it out.
  12. More progress!! Got it all welded up. A little body filler and paint and were ready to rock.
  13. Would love to see some pics of the build! I'm in the process of rebuilding mine for the 5th time around. Going with the 4.8L this time.
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