I work at an apple store and a mac guy through and through, but I understand you guys' complaints. There are two main problems as I see it, having done many returns and replacements.
1. These things are getting too small, and people start to treat them as car keys and not as electronics. Especially with the mini's and nano's. I mean the mini's have a hard drive spinning at all times and as a result shouldn't be treated much more harshly than an external harddrive or a laptop. Apple tries to make them pretty sturdy, but any time there is a fairly fragile moving part spinning at a couple thousand rpm's ♥♥♥♥ can happen when its shocked. Ever wonder why the new nike shoe thing that allows you to track how far and fast you run is only available with the nano and not the full sized ipod? Its because the nano is flash based and has no moving parts to break from moving around and they don't want to encourage people to run with the full sized ipod. Its the same reason that apple doesnt make an armband for the ipod, but they do for the nano.
2. Apple designed these things only to have a certain lifespan basically expecting that people will want to upgrade after 2-3 years. I mean the battery is not user-replaceable and Li-ion batteries only have a lifespan of what, 1000-odd full charges? That should give a pretty good idea of how long these things were designed to last. I mean, apple will change the battery at the store for free under the year(or two years if you get the extended) warranty, but its 70 bux otherwise. Also, apple only offers up to 2 years of warranty, again showing the designed lifespan of these things.
Personally, I have only owned one ipod and have had no problems with it, but ive only had it a little more than a year and I don't doubt that within the next year or so I will have some trouble with mine. In my opinion, its worth it for the ease of use, the best interface (imo) in any mp3 player, the clean slick design, and the seamless integration with itunes, which I have no problems with (though it does run better on macs). I messed around with other mp3 players for a while, trying creatives and cheap flash ones and a couple archo's and while I may have saved a little money on initial purchase, I found that they had the same problems of failing after a little over a year, and much worse product support. For example, archos made a little mp3player/recorder called the jukebox, which I used for a while. About a year and a half ago,under a year of its orginal purchase, it failed. They sent me a new one, which was fine. But when I got my new computer, which ran on Mac 0sX which was not new stuff in 2005 the player did not work with it. When I called them to ask if they made a driver for osX they said no. I asked if they planned on making one they said no. I asked if I am pretty much assed-out on this one, they said yes. So for now I'll stick with ipods.