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Posts posted by BSD

  1. Lets face it, to them its about entertainment and money, not about the accuracy of the cars in the movie.


    I mean really.. through every FnF movie, I was disappointed to see how slow the cars really were, and how they had like 15 speed gearboxes.. lol.


    Hydraulic rollers.. weighted rear ends..


    Maybe I just prefer things to be more realistic, because I could point out a million things that just were disappointing.


    On a side note, I Did see your car az.. For the whole 5 seconds it was shown, lol..


    I just wish they made an accurate movie for us crazy gear heads.



  2. Well.. if you want to be cheap.. like me.. I picked up a T3 turbo from a junkyard for like 30 bucks.. and you can upgrade a T3 Into a T3/T4 hybrid for like 400 bucks.


    430 bucks for a T3/T4 name brand turbo.. Mines a Garrett Air research T3 gonna be T3/T4 soon.


    If you wanna rebuild the turbo at the same time.. add another $45 to that amount.






    Tons of cars use T3's in yards.. there a list I can pull up later.. but stock 300zx turbos can be upgraded as well.



  3. well maybe we can get together one day soon.. as this is the last piece to my puzzle. haha... whats all done on your car?


    Unfortunately.. nothing has really changed since my build thread..


    I have been fixing up my Jetta and recently purchased a 75 super beetle. :lol:


    I have been sanding down my Z's driveline parts and am going to POR them all.. then i'll be fixing rust on the z and priming it, and throwing my turbo engine it in.. just been distracted a bit.


    I should be done with both the Jetta and the Z by the end of the summer hopefully.

  4. LOL, Daeron, I already have a purple carpet! I tried dying mine black and failed! :D


    I know you are in IL. but where exactly? we should meet up one day.. I have a bunch of projects going on around here. soon to be starting a rb20 in a s14. im debating if i want to put an lsx in my 540i. it would be nice to hang out with a fellow zed owner.


    thanks for all the kind words everyone. things are starting to come along finally.


    although im having problems with my edis. i know that if i pull the spout connector it should go into base timing. but i still cant get a spark outa this thing. idk what i did wrong.


    Yeah man, totally. I'm in Bourbonnais alot, me and a buddy have garages out here and we mess around with cars. He is pretty good with Megasquirt and has done cars for people before.. he can do it in like a day.


    If you ever come here or vise versa, my buddy could prob tell you whats wrong. :-D

    ( Don't look at me, never did megasquirt yet, haha )



  5. An LS1 should be able to match that +. I don't understand the rain and snow comment either.


    You are right, an LS1 Can match.. or come pretty close, to a L28ET.. BUT.. I don't think ( correct me if I am wrong ) she wants to spend like 4k on Just a motor. ( stock or kinda modified, unless you find one in a JY, and if you do.. I ENVY you. )


    Not trying to argue.. but have you driven a small car with a SBC in a blizzard? Or during horrible rain/snow in traffic? Or with 50 mph winds on snow covered roads? I'm not gonna lie, I am a pretty **** good driver in snow. I have driven sbc trucks and stuff in it.. but a car is WAY different. I'd love to have an SBC for a fun weekend car.. not a daily driver, no waaay.


    Just my 2 cents.



  6. Like, OMG, someone totally stole the royal purple outta my leet honda drift machine.. I had to put in some conventional oil and lost like 15HP.. They even took my stickers!


    Anyways.. Nice work on the car bean! I remember seein one of your cars on craiglist like last year and hoped you weren't gonna give up!


    Keep it up!

  7. I guess it all depends on whether you want fuel economy or not. SBC's are sooo readily available. My friends keep bugging me to throw a 350 in my datsun, but I try to keep mileage and power both in mind... plus sbcs don't like snow and rain.


    I'm staying with my L28ET because I can still get like 28mpg with like 300 horse, and drive it in snow and rain.. * I know, my poor baby.. lol *

  8. Ride in one and you will see. There is absolutly no torque what so ever. You can make a lawn mower engine rev to 15k, but it will never be as powerfull as a z car engine.


    True that. If you wanna feel like you are driving a honda.. go for it.


    I prefer torque over horsepower, gets you moving quicker.


    Sheeet.. My 87 Jetta has more torque than horsepower.. its a 4cyl 1.8l 8v.. So smaller liter engines don't necessarily have No torque, and my engine can rev up to 9k. :mrgreen:


    If you wanna see some cool stuff, theres some guys called FLTD That pumped 1200hp out of Volkswagens 1.8l 8v engine. :icon6:

  9. I just happened to snag the October 2008 Top Gear Issue on the flight to Singapore yesterday, and it had a 'buyers guide' of all the cars available in europe...

    The highest manufacturer's claim in those numbers was 68.9mpg. And that may be Imperial Gallons...


    Those were the little 1.4L Citroens, a 1.4L Skoda, and curiously the Mini Diesel Clubman Estate...which got better mileage for some reason than the normal Diesel Cooper which registered something like 65.


    So the '100mpg' claim is pretty much shot in the hiney.


    Close to 70, yes. Driven conservatively you might eke out 85...


    But 100? Not in a currently available production diesel, and if we are going by 'common' mileage figures, it was more 'common' to be in the 50's than anywhere else. Even large cars like BMW 7's were in the mid 40's. The BMW 180's did well, but not as good as the Citroen and Skoda.


    Then again, who wants to buy a Citroen or Skoda?:D


    Hey now.. don't have hating on the Skodas... :D


    Which now is basically buying a VW, because VW owns a few companies now..


    Anyways, for what this guy has and spent I think he did an excellent job, and could easily improve off whats already there.


    I mean.. look at all the imperfections still left to clean up? But he is still getting "80mpg"


    Of course, without real numbers, its still a little hard to believe it.


    If I were to do something like that.. I'd start with the curvred windshield Super beetle or a Ghia. :icon14:

  10. Seems I heard several months ago that VW pulled out of the BlueTec consortium, because Benz was so far ahead -- the tag has basically become part of the Mercedes packaging, and VW wants to stick with its TDI badging for branding purposes. Whatever... Porsche is already calling all the shots over there anyway -- how much longer do you think they'll let Audi keep winning races? :wink:


    Cheers, John


    Lol.. c'mon.. we all know they aren't LETTING Audi win!! :wink:


    Haha... really though.. and to You Frank, I just read your post.. and I think you meant to say the BMW 3.0L tdi? Because the 3.0 has 235HP.. the 2.0 did not.. and I can't remember ANY 2.0 that pumped out that kinda power tdi..

  11. you obviously haven't driven a beemer Diesel lately .. it is FAR superior to any vw or audi diesel .. in Europe they have the benchmark diesels!!


    My 2.0 made a stock 235 rwhp (no boost upgrades just fuel remapping)


    You are correct, I haven't.. but since VW parts (IMO) are alot easier to come by, and I enjoy VW's more, i'd prefer to stick with their parts and cars.


    I wouldn't say FAR superior.. beemers are more aimed at performance than VW/Audi is ( more towards VW ).. VW/Audi make a nice blend of performance/comfort/style/fuel economy for a good price.. where in my opinion.. BMW Makes a Better performance package/similar styling/not as good fuel economy.. and at quite a price..don't get me wrong, BMW's are sweet.. but VW did make a 140hp 2.0tdi that can easily go to 300HP.. and still get like 40mpg


    Atleast thats my thoughts..


    So I guess go with whatever TDI engine you like!


    Not to mention.. you can interchange parts between VW/Audi/Volvo/porsche.. =]


    Plus, VW made the bugatti veyron! DUH!! :wink:





  12. Along the lines of Tony's story, during the mid 1960s my Uncle was doing some of his post-basic Army training in Fort Rucker. One afternoon he and his buddies caught a Bobcat and tried to keep it as a pet. After lots of bites and scratches they decided someone else needed this angry, aggressive, lighting fast creature as their pet. So, they got a suitcase and put the Bobcat in it (after many more bites and scratches).


    The took the suitcase into Enterprise and laid it in the street at an intersection in town while they sat on a bench and waited. After a very short time an old Bonneville with four men inside drove by and stopped at the suitcase. The right rear passenger opened the door, got out, looked around, grabbed the suitcase, and tossed it inside.


    The proceeded down the road about 50 yards and then all four wheels

    locked up and the car skidded sideways to a stop. In the exact same instant all four doors flew open and four men rolled out onto the ground, jumped up, and started running - two were bleeding from their hands. The car slowly rolled forward and stopped when it hit a lamp post. A few seconds later a Bobcat hopped out of the front seat, sat on the ground, licked his paws, and trotted off through a field.



    HAHAHAHA.. Oh man. Thats amazing.

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