Also, did you get ignition system figured out? I followed the discussion on one of the BMW forums and saw Fred with the V12 Vette was showing his setup with 12 individual coils. I run 6 dual plug coils and waste spark (fire coils on both the compression and exhaust stroke), which means any ignition computer that can fire 6 coils can manage it. And I batch fire injectors To fire 12 + injectors individually i would need to either get an EFI technologies ECU (almost $5k) or treat the engine as 2 six cylinders and run a computer for the left bank, and another for the right bank.. even with the EFI Tech ECU, you still have to use waste spark.. Short of a custom configured MoTeC M880, with 12 ignition outputs (for around $3k), waste spark is necessary unless you want to treat the engine like 2 six cylinders.