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Everything posted by HundredPerCent

  1. hey nice car ! i had not much time but i made a fast chop !
  2. Nice Car ! about how much you pay 4 a car like this ?
  3. then why sold it look so good with the nice engine in it for how much su sell her ?
  4. thankyou all already so much its realy nice here !!!!
  5. Hi i saved already about 5000€ thats more then $ but i think here in europe is not same like in us! yes u spell in right its a realy smal town ! but not far away is a big city with aiport called (Frankfurt am Main) i live in ne north in Hamburg! thanks 4 ur reply i hope i will found somon in europe who sell them ! by the way jason if i can help becaus of ur family then tell me !
  6. Hello @ all iam from germany and iam searching 4 one s30 about how much h do i have to pay fore one with no rust ??? in good condition and engine runing well! ? bye the way sorry 4 my bad english!
  7. I think the car picture is the car from Mark Rolsten he has also a nice website with good info about the car http://web.mac.com/markrolston/NewSite/Z-car.html
  8. if you want somthing exotic why don´t you put a audi S2 or RS2 engin in it! its 2.2l 5 zylinder turbo it has a verry uniq sound ! the VW GOLF 4 in this video is tuned by dahlback he use also audi rs2 engine listen that sound! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD6yREzC_6M
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