Okay... The engine is in and running. Not great, but I need injectors pretty bad. A couple q's.
First.. Knock sensor. In the instructions to swap over the engine, there is no where to plug the knock sensor into. I can tell when an engine pings, but is there a way that I can easily wire it to the ECM? Is it even really needed?
Second. The throttle linkage does not reach the swivel on the firewall....
What is normally done to make it longer? I can weld one later, but don't have a welder on hand for a while.
That's it I think. Thanks for the help. I did a search, but I suck with searches. I never get the results I need, and after an hour of reading, I lose time I can be working on the Z.
Also, anyone in the Phoenix area, I will try and bring it to the Pavilions tonight.