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Blog Entries posted by Datsun260Z

  1. Datsun260Z
    Well I was going to post in a thread I recall starting some time ago with regards to my 260Z build and saw out the corner of my eye that we have blogs! And I thought, "well, what a better way for those who might be interested in me and my build to get to know what I am up to!"
    So, I wont drag on tonight too much but I will share some serious frustrations I've been having of late with the Z.
    I am sure most all of you can relate to general the general frustrations that rear their ugly head along the road to a built car but this one is just too ironic. In the beginning when I bought this car back in 98 I was working on the road, in a bad relationship, young(er ) and broke. The dream of building this car sat in my brothers drive way for more than a few years while I traveled from one end of Canada to the other trying to make ends meet. A few years later I moved back home with my wife to be (new relationship), bought a house, worked for a while in the Transport industry and then decided to go back to school and become a Machinist. Now today I am working steady, my wife and I have plans to build a house and I have managed to stock pile a little cash to finish the Z to modest results.....And wouldn't you know it but MAN is it hard to get some parts suppliers to cooperate. For WEEKS, more than a month I've been waiting for a Energy Suspension bushing kit to come in....only to be lied to and lied to by the local parts supplier I chose to order through. Of course their price was right, so....like anyone else, I bit. Trouble is, once again they haven't met their own set deadline! It's just been an endless pile of nonsense with this particular dealer
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