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Everything posted by Connect

  1. For anyone interested, I do have another project I am working on that will be available sooner. It is a NFC door lock and ignition system that I will have finished up and installed soon. I use my phone NFC to activate but you can program it to use whatever NFC chip you wish to use; card, phone, dongle.
  2. Thanks again for the interest in this project. Unfortunately it will still be a few months before it will be to the point of a full feature product. ihiryu, I love Mp3car.com. That is where I got my start. The site has been fairly inactive for a while now though. When I started making in car PCs there was not a lot of OEM options for cars. Now most cars have built in many connectivity options and support such as GPS, Bluetooth, or USB support. Mp3car is still a wealth of information though and several of the components I am using will be from mp3car. My unit will essentially be a system of Arduino boards and Android/Google products with certain power and display components from mp3car.
  3. Calpoly-Z, The Nexus 7 is a great device and can easily act as a head unit or media center for a vehicle. I can draw up some rough sketches for you with some plans to get you on your way if you are interested in using that. Rags, in short, Yes. With this system you can integrate ECU controls and monitors right into the system with ease. Now the basic system will have a few ways to monitor your ECU and systems. For live tuning the situation and model will dictate what adapter will need to be used and to what degree. What I hope to bring is a well put together unit that can be used in a variety of applications. Documentation and instruction will be my bread and butter though. I plan on having any situation or system planned and mapped with leads and plenty of information on how to set up your unit. Thanks again for the interest, hope to bring more to you soon.
  4. Hello HybridZ.org. I am currently working on an Android powered in car PC unit that can completely control all functions within the vehicle that it would be installed. I am posting here first because the unit I am developing will be first installed in an early model Z car. I believe I can provide a product that can simplify many functions within the vehicle as well as adding features that would normally cost much more than the product itself. Basically the point of this product without going into too many technical details is to control your car from a touch screen within the car, a PC or your Android phone. This will have the ability to connect any and all electrical circuits to the system to control or monitor. So this will act as a remote car starter if you wish, or roll up or down your windows, turn lights on, load songs, videos, or files to your car, option to create a password or PIN to enable ignition system or individual systems, GPS system, optional wireless carrier data signal support. You name it and you can do it. I can not quote any solid pricing plans yet but I am looking at the $250 to $300 range. So far I do have a working model that I am currently sorting out. When this one gets finished I will be launching a KickStarter campaign to try and get this out there in larger numbers. So, there it is, a quick summary of what I am looking to do. So far I am still looking for some developer support to help with the coding and development. Beyond that I think I will have this near completion within a few months. I will post some pictures and product tours as I can as well as keep anyone interested updated with progress. Thanks for the interest and I hope to have you more updates soon.
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