Hey guys,
For those of you who have experience in starting shimming, I need help.
Since I've rebuilt my L28ET and transmission, I've been having trouble with multiple starters and they all have the same symptom.
This click is not from a dead battery or a bad starter, it is something else, and I believe this has to do with my starter being too close to the flywheel teeth and just knocking the surface of the flywheel without spinning.
Here is what happens:
I turn the key, "click". I just start clicking away, sometimes very rapidly, sometimes it only takes a couple attempts, but it eventually always starts. I drove myself crazy and did everything in my power to verify that no other factors were causing this. Tested the starters, checked electrical wiring, installed a starter relay (two different ones, I must add), and this problems continues to linger.
Like I said, my thought is that when i installed my Fidanza aluminum flywheel, the dimensions of the relation of the starter to the flywheel may have changed a little due to the fact that it is not a stock flywheel. This may or may not be true, but I believe that shimming the starter will cure my problem.
Now, my question(s): I have some .004" stainless steel sheeting I could use to cut some shimming washers out of to slide over the bolts, or I've seen actual starter shims you can purchase at auto parts stores. What route should I take here? What is a good starting thickness for a shim?
Thanks guys, your help is always appreciated!