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Everything posted by socorob

  1. http://www.lawsonproducts.com/images/Electrical/Electrical-Tools/Defroster-Grid-Repair-Pen/Defroster-Grid-Repair-Pen/largeImage/DV_WebLarge_I_P68551.jpg There are pens to repair small spots that are missing but not sure how the work.
  2. Use a damp sponge to wipe the tip on while its hot and that will clean it. Also cover the tip with solder when you're finished with it to keep it from corroding, oxidizing, etc. Lead is supposed to be more flexible and less likely to crack than non lead, but lead is poisonous so ROHS is against it. I mainly use a butane powered soldering iron for the car, and very thin solder.I have a radioshack one and one from home depot or lowes but prefer the radio shack one.
  3. Not in sunlight since it was raining. But untaped. Still needs to be buffed.
  4. Thanks. I wanted to use a factory color for ease of matching later. I looked closely at every silver car I saw for a couple months and to me this was the most silver of the silvers on newer cars.
  5. It's painted! Ford ingot silver. I can't wait to be able to drive this thing again.
  6. http://www.upgrademotoring.com/seats_interior/doorpanel_repairkits.htm Anyone know anything about the door panel upholstery from this company?
  7. You would have to have alignment settings, and a measurement from the ground to a common point on the car? Possible the lip under the rockers right in front of the rear tires and right behind the front tires to account for how much lowering if any. Whether its a 240,260,280, not sure if there's any fender well clearance differences. Suspension components, tire brand, wheel brand and sizing. With adjustable suspension whether you centered the rear wheels in the opening. It would need a lot of information to be very accurate with all the differences out there.
  8. You must be running some crazy sticky slicks! I can burn my 200 treadwear tires at will in 1 & 2, and into 3rd if I'm getting onto it. I'm only running 245's though, so my tires aren't very wide.
  9. May be old news but on LS tech they talk about drilling holes in the lifter trays and limiting pushrod oil flow. http://ls1tech.com/forums/generation-iii-internal-engine/1701319-oil-drain-back-question.html http://ls1tech.com/forums/generation-iii-internal-engine/1739295-oil-control-question.html
  10. I think I have 2. A 2004 gto T56. I have an R200 with 3.54. I'll tell you 1st gear lasts about a second and it's time to shift. I would go with 1 and swap 6th for idling down the interstate.
  11. Long motors is black dragon. Looks good. I was hoping they would fit on a 280.
  12. I really like the look of that spoiler. I think that's the one I'm gonna go with. Are you in La?
  13. And the fuel injection is simple to hook up if you decide to go that route. Probably much easier than switching to a carb.
  14. You're welcome. Straight axles are great for rock climbing and drag racing. I assume you're going for the latter.
  15. I couldn't drive it with a helmet on and the top up. Good thing they didn't do the stick test for autox. I wasn't able to do a track day because I failed the stick test miserably. Once some smart ass said Mario Kart! as I was passing.
  16. http://performancetrends.com/SuspAnzr.htm http://www.patooyee.com/calculators/calculators.htm Some of these may help you out. Have all your meaurements ready for performance trends because you get a short free trial, or at least you used to.
  17. Does your shocks have misalignment heims or spherical bearings in them, or bushings? It may be an optical illusion, but in the photo it looks like the upper and lower shock mounts aren't parallel. Appears the shock would be in a bind unless you're using high misalignment bearings. If its off the way it appears, the panhard will be pulling your axle to the left during droop or bump, which looks like it will increase the bind. you may be able to fix it with bearings in the shocks. As Rebekah said, remove the shocks and springs completely and cycle it though every angle you can think of. The shocks shouldn't be adding anything to locating the axle side to side. That should all be done with the links.Pay attention to if the panhard is trying to pull your axle too much to the left. If that's happening, maybe you can lengthen the panhard or ditch it and go with a watts link, or triangulated 4 link if you're able to package it under there.
  18. I went from a little British car to the Z. I was glad to have a lot more space now.
  19. From my straight axle days, the old timers used to have a saying: 4 shall be the number of links and the number of links shall be 4. They would say to stay away from 5 links because it had the possibility to introduce a lot of bind and things could start binding and breaking. Now this advice was geared toward a handling setup. If you're mainly going straight line and not really turning much it wouldn't matter as much. Also you're links look pretty short. When they are short it doesn't take much movement in roll (when one side goes up and the other side goes down) to try to turn the axle under the car. Did you have a lot of roll steer with this setup? What amount of anti squat did this setup give you? For anything besides drag racing its usually better to go with a 3 link with panhard (4 links), a triangulated 4 link or satchell link (4 links). There used to be some good calculators online that you could plug all your measurements into and it would give you all your numbers so you could have an idea of how it would act before you built it.Typically you want the links to be as long as possible to keep roll steer and binding to a minimum. For handling you want around 0 antisquat, for drag you want above 0 antisquat.
  20. Or you could get garage doors that roll up at the top instead of taking up ceiling space. The motor for those mount right at the top by the side out of the way http://www.chiohd.com/images/default-source/blog/6000_roll-up-garage-door.jpg?sfvrsn=2
  21. Agree on putting the compressor in a room attached to the outside of the garage. No point in having to listen to it run the whole time. Bathroom with shop sink and shower. Order a big ass fan or 2, however many will fit for the summer months. I think those are 8'?
  22. The way DMCA is written, it contains language that actually makes it illegal for you to work on your new car. Nobody enforces that though, thankfully.
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