Anybody have any info or opinions to offer on coilover conversions?
I am completely re-doing my suspension - tearing it all apart and replacing everything but the tubes, arms and spindles. I am interested in the ride height adjustability as well as the increased clearance for wider wheels. So far one person has suggested that given 2 Z cars at the same height, the one with coilovers will have less suspension travel. Is this true?Also, people seem to keep saying that coilovers are a race car only kind of deal, but they don't really explain why. The car is a daily driver, but I am a tinkerer and I want performance. Plus, I don't like having to do things twice - as in, some people are saying just go with sport replacement springs and then go to coilovers if those don't cut it. But I'd rather take everything apart once. One thing I have learned from past projects is to do it right the first time - it sucks tearing down something that you've already worked on (and spent money on) to upgrade to the parts that should have been used in the first place.
Also, I have heard good things about Ground Control - but is the extra expense worth it? Other vendors (MikeG and Arizona Z) sell conversion kits for substantially fewer dollars (40-50%).