Hello all I'm brand new to this site. Here is my problem.
I got a 1977 280z for free as a project. Bad news is its completly disassembled.
I think the kid had big plans and never finished.....or started. More bad news is all the bolts, nuts etc are in a big bucket. Now my question.
1. Is there a manufacturer book I can buy that shows all the sizes and location of every bolt,nut, etc?
2. It came with a f42 blck and s n47 head. Can this motor make decent power?
Is it hard to find parts? Is there a lmc truck type mag for 280z.
I would like to keep the original motor but if parts are hard to find then its gone.
What is another nissan motor I could use and find parts any plave I go?
Thank you for all the help. I apologize if this topic has been beat like a dead horse.