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Everything posted by jnh-280z

  1. Hi Speedworks. I'm sorry about not replying. I've not been on here in a while. My issue was needing another ground from the coil pack back to the battery. I added a MAP sensor to my setup, didn't have one at first. I've had my car running, but once it get's warmed up, if I shut it off, I will loose ignition. I have to turn off the car. I can get it to start if I feather the throttle just right. It'll run for 10-15 seconds or so, then sputter, and the status light on the XDi will go from green to solid red. I can turn the car off, start again, same thing. Status light will go red and the car will stall. If I let it cool off. It'll start right up and run for a while. Did you figure anything out? I'm running version 1.8.
  2. I have figured out my issue. I'll post the solution for anyone else who may have trouble in the future.
  3. Hello Datsun Z Friends, Long time lurker, first time caller. I have a 78' 280Z that I've been restoring for... years. I bought the car in south Ga in early 2014. I have a motor built by Datsun Spirit, stage 4, and I'm trying to start it finally. I have the XDi crank trigger setup V1.8. I have everything wired like the manual says, I think. I'm not getting spark. 1. I've confirmed the dip switches: u, d, d, d, d, u, u, d. 2. The trigger wheel sensor is <0.06" from the 7.25" wheel. I have a flat tip sensor. The sensor mount is aluminum and is on the left side at about 9:30 position. 3. I've grounded everything(DFU to engine block, XDi to battery and chassis). 4. I have the yellow 2 amp lead to the XDi powered from the yellow/black harness wire that is +12v run and start position, inline 2amp fuse. Spliced with a wire from 85 on 4 pin relay. I have a 10 amp fused line running to 30. I ran a ground wire to chassis and battery on 86. 87 goes to the DFU. I did the 4 pin relay wiring like so in the Electromotive manual: I have +12v going into the XDI on yellow wire when the car is in run position. I have a green light on the XDi unit in run position. When in the start position I have a red light. I'm wondering if the DFU also needs to be grounded to the battery? Can I eliminate the 4 pin relay above and try the system to see if I get spark? I am testing spark by using my timing light. Thank for any help. Here's a photo for what it's worth. Cheers, Jason
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