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Posts posted by TheSaturnV

  1. I'm looking for an OEM Hitachi radio for my '74 260z.  I am hoping for something from that year or possibly through '77. Not sure when they changed it up for the 280z.  I'm interested in looking at any decent, working OEM Datsun Z radio.



  2. How quickly does that blaster work? Would you recommend using it to blast an entire shell?


    What I've read and experienced, is that sand blasting in particular "work hardens" metal. Won't be an issue on a suspension piece, but it's not recommended for body panels. Other media like soda or pecan shells may be a different story.

  3. Tons of pics, video with narration and Ziploc bags w/ index cards and Sharpies are your friends. Put like-assembly fasteners together in their own bags w/ plenty of notes about where they go, if they were stripped-broken-missing. Also, a cheap plastic hobby cabinet will do wonders to keep track of it all.





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