so far i just have the car i live where it snows and i do not have a garage to work on it in during the winter so its gonna have to wait till spring but i plan on ordering my 2jz soon and I'm gonna be putting eagle rods and weisco pistons in it with a single turbo setup also valve springs retainers and 1 mm over sized valves and brian crower stage 2 cams, and also the basic stuff liek exhaust boost controller prolly an aem fuel managment system to replace the ecu and some other thigns i'm forgetting but i want this to be a wicked car when its finished do you have any ideas or thigns you would liek to share to make this fit a little easier or get this engine in becaus ei herd it fits pretty good besides engine hight clearence which becomes an issue and als fuel lines and power steering and air conditioning and yes i need air conditioning because i sweat alot we have cold winters and very hot summers also i'm just confused also with making motor mounts idk if nayone knows the solution to this but i check out 2jzpower and joined the website but it wont let me post anythign liek asking questions and stuff so i dont know thanks for your time