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  1. Hi all, Currently hunting for seats for my 240z, car is just about finished in paint going audi suzuka grey. I've got my eye on the Corbeau GT8 Highbacks but I'm curious if anyone has any experience with these seats, either in or out of a Z. Attached is a picture of the seats in question. Alternatively if anyone has any suggestions for classic style buckets I'm all ears. I am however UK based so major manufacturers would be ideal. thanks.
  2. Looking pretty damn good man! You should see how my shifter sits without the extension haha, I'm going to have to modify the console and move the whole thing forwards towards the nose of the car just to make it clear. And put an S bend in the shifter as well probably. Out of curiosity what dimensions did you go with for your radiator / intercooler. I'm having troubles finding a manufacturer that make them to fit, either too big or too small. I'll probably end up getting one custom. Loving the wheels as well.
  3. Interesting, thanks for the heads up man Haven't gotten that far yet, because my car is RHD I have to modify the steering to clear the mounts, so currently in the process of doing that.
  4. Nice one man! You've made proper quick progress with this!
  5. Just wanted to say I bought the kit and it has arrived. So far it seems pretty good. It was a wee bit rough but I think that was purely from the shipping. The welding and overall build quality seems really high. Finished ripping my v8 out the other night, need to cut some old mounts off with the grinder then I'll go about test fitting the new kit, should be interesting to see. Rubbish pictures but you get the idea.
  6. Looking good man. Looks like I'm going to need a shifter extension as well, doesn't look like my box will fit. Where did you get yours if you don't mind me asking?
  7. Looks great man! Will be taking notes as I'm about to start my 1JZ swap as well haha. Also got my wiring kit from WS, will be interesting to see how they do. Out of curiosity where did you get the A: Top mount kit and B: Downpipe? I'm guessing CXRacing for the top mount, looks like one of their kits.
  8. Thanks Matt, glad to hear it. Thanks Nelsonian, especially for the pictures. I do agree, the website is a bit lackluster, it was one of the reasons that led me to posting here asking the question. I feel I would have next to no qualms buying from the wiringspecialists website in comparison. From what I've seen you can get the JZ's sitting low and quite far back, I had thought about putting a 350 small block in the car, but the sizing and weight distribution was all off, and would need to relocate the Dizzy to get everything to fit right. So it looks like, from the picture you linked you basically get all the mounts you need + a propshaft. That's ideal for me, hoping everything works with the R154 gearbox. Now all I need to source is a custom exhaust, FMIC, cooling and some gauges! Thanks for the input guys
  9. Hi folks, Have been hunting around for a swap kit for a 1JZ-GTE to swap one into my 240z. Next to nothing here in the UK (No surprises) but have found a couple in the US. Tech2 seem to offer a kind of "all in one" kit for $1650. I was curious if anyone had used this before and what their thoughts were? http://shop.1jzgteswap.com/240Z-280Z-1JZ-2JZ-SWAP-KIT-DAT-001.htm I had planned to use http://www.wiringspecialties.com/2jwihafordap.html For the wiring harness. This is just purely for getting the engine sat in the car and hooked up. Also what are peoples thoughts on running a 1JZ through a standard 240z diff, will it take that power or should I be thinking about an LSD upgrade? Thanks guys
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