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Everything posted by ULISES

  1. Here is my list. 77 280Z got it for free from my younger brother. its been with us for 5 years and we are the third owners. 78 Dodge maxivan 88 Ford Festiva with a 97 aspire engine. 92 Yamaha YSR50 mini sports bike. 01 Nissan Sentra SE. Thats about it.
  2. Hey, I'm a big fan of the Syclone/Typhoon Trucks. Well There is a 4.3 from a Syclone for sale at sy/ty.net. I think they put out 280hp and 350lbs of torque. Now that would be a nice engine on a Z.
  4. Hey man try this site !!! http://www.maxima.org/
  5. There is a 98 indianapolis 500 pace vette with 82,000 miles for $23,000. It is missing the side logo's though, and the seats aren't yellow. Don't know if all came with yellow seats. The car is located on deal's on wheels in el camino real. (sanjose cali) I think you can work on the price since you deal with owners and not sales man.
  6. http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/6/web/438000-438999/438021_8.jpg
  7. I'm using rear studs for the front. I had to make them shorter though. Paid $26 for al 16 studs.
  8. I had all five windows tinted in my Z and never had a problem. I recently took out the tint from passenger and driver windows. Not really sure but i think i have smoked windows , They look tinted after i took the film off, I also cleaned them. Here is something i think is funny, I drive a ford festiva. I took it to the tint shop to tint all five windows. Three hours later i was on the right side of 101 . I got tickets for tinted passenger and driver windows and the reason he stop me was cause my sticker(month) was faded from the sun, I also had a cracked windshield. All i paid was $80 for the tint, Still have my tint on though. It's been over a year without a problem.
  9. I know 48k, Imagine investing 48k on a Z.. Now That Would Be Cool!!!!!!!!
  10. Something came up, I'm not going to the track......
  11. Have you guy's ever heard of the FESTIVA SHOGUN? It's like the one on the link, But that one was home made. Jayleno owns one of this mini rockets. I think they were like 48,000 g's. http://www.fordfestiva.com/performance/shogun.html
  12. My 77 280Z May Not Be A Hybrid But I'm Working On It. I'm In Sanjose.. 8)
  13. HI, My car is a 77 280Z.(my bad), also i'm going to be running on 17" wheels. I have an 82 5spd tranny. I just want to know whats my time in 1/4 mile, I know my car is not fast. But its always good to know!!! Check out my galery for pics.
  14. Here is a link to some festiva's with the b6t engine, Same engine as in the 323 GTX. Check it out..... http://www.fordfestiva.com
  15. Hey, Guys I would like to know what your 1/4 mile times are on a stock or light mod. Going to the track in Sacramento saturday november 1st. I have a 2.5 catback pipe and a 3" magnaflow exhaust, centerforce clutch, a k&n filter this is all in a remanufactured engine. My guess is am going to be running a 15.5 to 15.7!!! I would also like to know if any of you guys are going on this date?
  16. The Capri XR2's have the same engine used in the Mazda GTX. I was going to swap one of this engine's in my festiva. Adapters are made to make this possible, But i have to work on my Z for now. Maybe in the future i'll do it.
  17. Very nice wheels ULISES, I have a question about your kit. how did you adhere the kit ? fasteners? adhesive? both? I had a shop do this for me. They bolted both pieces no adgesives, They hold pretty good.
  18. Sorry guys i just have that wheel on for now. I will have some better pics, when i put them on, hopefully this weekend. And yes this are kyle's old wheel's.
  19. Check out my gallery to see my 17" wheels.
  20. ULISES

    RED Z

    Hey guys. I finished painting my Z you can go check out the pics in my galery. Future upgrades are a chevy small block with 400 to 450 hp and a t-56 trany. I hope you like it! 8)
  21. Hi guys, I posted the pics in my gallery. I'll have some more when its done.
  22. Hi , everyone We my brother Sergio and i Ulises are new to hybrid. This is a link to some pics taken 6/19/03. I hope you like them, I will be posting some more. Tell us if you like it ..... Thank's http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/eltigre4you?a&.src=profiles&.done=http%3a//edit.yahoo.com/config/feiph%3f.done=http%3a//profiles.yahoo.com/eltigre4you%26.idname=eltigre4you&.num=1 I hope it works!
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