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Everything posted by 1970/240z

  1. i will be posting more picture tunight guys.
  2. hi guy. it all start last november in my college (southwester college). i always loved the Z's, i used to own a 2003 350z but i wreak the car. i figured that i wasn't going to buy another one (no money). i just decided to buy a 240z 1970. i got off this white guy at Poway, california. it's been a long adventure, so much money and time consuming. i was adding and subtracting my 240z bills and i was surprise. At this point i really don't care how much i have spend in this car. :icon11: i will show u my build from start until this point.
  3. hi guys, i just rebuilt my L28 engine and i replace the oil pump for a new one. i stated the car for 20 sec and then turn it off. then i notice there was no oil pressure because i check the oil filter and it was empty and also my gauge marked 0 pressure.. i don't was to stated again because i am scare i can mess it up. please help me . should i buy a another pump, a used one? or what can it be,
  4. thanks for the info, but I am just only using this car for sometime. not looking for lots of power. this car will be my daily and maybe in the near future i was to go V8 swap. i just want the engine to hold one for sometime.
  5. that notch is in all the pistons, maybe the direction that the piston goes because they were all facing forward
  6. my uncle is doing all the built, i need to give him the credit on that one. her is one of the pistons that we took out after cleaning, what do you think guys . should i use them again but with new ring?
  7. To make the story short, i bought a 240z 3 months ago and i decided to built the car. Her are some pictures of the recent job. i will be posting pictures round every two weeks, feel free to comment and give me advises!
  8. hey guy, i was seaching for hous but i can find info on this wheel! a being reading lots of threads and no one is posting there spec on this wheels. i was looking for 16 in but if can't 15 and possible 9 inches all around the question is . what backspace do i need on my ZG flares?
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