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    DFW - Texas

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  1. I recently purchased a '88 Shiro -- I want to keep it mostly stock, however the turbo is leaking as well as the exhaust so I need to replace it. I want to increase the boost and power and have been looking at a new turbo. I like low RPM boost and I am just doing spirited road driving, no track. I was looking for some advice. Maybe a GTX3071R 71mm 58 trim 0.6a/r. I don't have an intercooler and don't really want to add that as I am trying to keep it more original, however I do like the sound of a BOV and plan on a boost controller to up the pressure to around 10. again looking for advice from someone that has done this. i would like 300-350 rwhp but that may be a dream without intercooler/reliability. also is it a T3 or T25 turbo? Sorry for the easy questions but I searched for a couple of hours and couldn't find the answers
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